Another source for SASE seeds

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I received seeds from Emmy von Roest (in the Netherlands) last year:

when she maintained her seedlist here (I think she posts it in many places.) Based on my experience, I can recommend her as an honest trader, prompt and generous (how many of us would freely offer seeds to gardeners in another country for such a small amount of postage?)

She has a terrific selection (or did when she published that list last fall.) For those of you looking for some unusual seeds for roughly $.33/packet, this is a great way to get some. Her email address is at the top of the seedlist; if anyone wants an easier-to-read copy of the seedlist, let me know and I'll try to paste my version of it here.

New(er) link:

This message was edited Mar 7, 2011 8:59 PM

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

That is an AMazing list!

Woodsville, NH(Zone 4a)

Wowzer!!!! What a list!

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

go_vols, page is not coming up for me, but my computer has been balky all day... would you cut and paste for us? Thanks, John

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I emailed Emmy with my "wish list" earlier today; she promptly replied to confirm she still had them in stock, and assured me that most people are just now starting to send requests, so she still has quite a good supply of seeds available.

Between Emmy and Tom Clothier (and several WONDERFULLY generous traders here at DG), I've been able to collect a great array of usual and unusual seeds for very little $$ (handy when you're trying to fill up a lot of beds in a hurry!)

Another favorite source for many gardeners is JL Hudson: If you haven't taken a look at his online catalog, you should - most seed packets are $1.50 (for dozens to thousands of seed per packet); any order of 20 packets or less bears a whopping $1 shipping fee. He'll also send you a catalog on request.

I like having two windows open when I'm looking at the websites of these three sources. I have the second one open to the PDB, so I can copy and paste the plant names into the search box. In most cases I can view a photo and see whether the plant would be a good fit for my location and needs.

I got tons of seeds from Emmy in late 2001 and they ALL germinated and grew. Not only that, she gives sowing instructions for each variety and makes herself availabe via email if you have any questions. I just ordered some seeds from Tom Clothier. I sure am going to miss him.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I have her list of seeds in a word document if anyone wants it. Just email me and I'll attach it and send it to you. Absolutely amazing. I did put the list in one column so it is easy to read.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the tip Vols. I mailed a list off to her :)

I have to put my plug in for the Fragrant Path It's another great source for seeds and my absolute favorite - I love his informative, no-frills catlog. Seeds are $1-$1.50 per pack and $1 for shipping.

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Go_vols or Brugie I would love an eaiser to read copy but would you wait a couple of days to email it to me . Puter goes to the shop tomorrow.

(Zone 5a)

wow guys this is great info,thanks so much for sharing it.. sue

Cortlandt Manor, NY(Zone 6a)

Emmy is so sweet and generous. She sent me a whole envelope of seeds with a few "surprise extras" to boot. By the way -- on her website is a picture of her gorgeous garden and she has flower pictures for many of her seeds. I found her trying to find Waldsteinia seeds, she was the only place on the web I could find them. She collects rare and unusual flowers.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Here goes nuthin - I copied her list into Excel, parsed and transposed it, but I think it'll display okay here. It's still long, but at least each seed has its own line:
Achilea millefolium “Terra Cotta”, yellow/brown, 40 cm HP (yarrow)
Adenophora “Afterglow”, ladybells, blue/purple 70 cm HP
Adenophora confusa, blue 90cm HP (ladybells)
Adenophora lilifolia, blue 60 cm (ladybells)
Adenophora polyantha, blue 80cm HP (ladybells)
Adenophora potaninii, purple 60 cm HP (ladybells)
Agastache foeniculum, blue 80 cm HHP (hyssop)
Agastache mexicana, whitish 80 cm HP (hyssop)
Agastache nepetoides, soft yellow 60 cm HHP (hyssop)
Agastache pringlei, 90 cm HHP
Agastache rugosa, blue 80 cm (hyssop) HP
Agastache rupestris, orange 60 cm HP
Agastache scrophulariaefolia, blue/pink 90 cm HP (hyssop)
Ajuga specie, violet HP
Ajuga reptans,(bugle) dark green/red leaf, blue flower 15 cm HP
Alcea rosea,(hollyhock) soft pink with magenta hart 130 cm HB
Alcea rosea, (hollyhock) dark pink + magenta hart 130 cm HB
Alchemilla ex “Mrs Poland”(lady’s mantle) yellow 30 cm HP
Alchemilla mollis, (Lady’s mantle) yellow 60 cm HP
Alchemilla saxatillis, 20 cm yellow, leafs has a silver edge HP
Allium moly, yellow 25 cm HP
Allium schoenoprasum, blue 40 cm HP (shives)
Alonsoa meridionalis “Firestone Jewels” salmon pink 50 cm A/HHP
Angelica hispanica, green/yellow umbel flowers, shining leafes 45 cm HB
Anoda christata “Opal Cup” pink/lila 90 cm ANNUAL
Anthyllis vulneraria “Coccinea”, orange/red 10 cm HP
Antirrhinum majus “Black Prince” (snapdragon) very dark red 40 cm HHP
Antirrhinum majus “Frosted Fames”, (snapdragon) variegated leafs, pink 40 cm HHP
Antirrhinum majus “Tom Sawyer” (snapdragon) mix 40 cm HHP
Antirrhinum nanus “Tom Tumb” mix 20 cm HHP/A
Aquilegia (columbine), dark red 60 cm HP
Aquilegia Nora Barlow, (columbine) pink + white spreckeld 60 cm HP
Aquilegia “Pink Bonnets” 60 cm HP
Aquilegia “Silver Queen”, (columbine) white 70 cm HP
Aquilegia skinneri, Columbine) red + yellow 60 cm HP
Aquilegia vulgaris “Altrosa”, (columbine) red/pinkish 60 cm HP
Aquilegia vulgaris “Grandmothers garden”, (columbine) dark blue HP
Aquilegia vulgaris var. Nivea “Munstead white” 90 cm HP
Arabis caucasia, white 10 cm HP
Arabis caucasia variegated, white 10 cm HP
Arctotis “Harlequin” orange 35 cm HP
Arctotis stoechadifolia/venusta,(african daisy) white + lavender hart 60 cm HHA
Arisaema specie (jack in the pulpit), white with green HP
Asarina procumbens “Compact Form”,(snapdragon) soft yellow 30 cm HHP climber
Asarina scandens, blue climber HHP
Ascelpias curasavica mix red + yellow HHP
Asclepias tuberosa, orange 60 cm HHP
Asphodeline lutea, yellow 80 cm HP
Aster amellus “Lac de Geneve”, lila 50 cm HP
Aster divaricatus, white 80 cm HP
Aster “Peter Harrison”, pink/lila 45 cm HP
Astrantia major,(great masterwort) pink/white 60 cm HP
Astrantia major, dark pink 60 cm HP
Astrantia major “Buckland”, pink 60 cm HP
Astrantia major “Hadspen Blood”, (great masterwort) very dark red 60 cm HP
Astrantia major “Sunningdale Variegated”, 80 cm HP
Astrantia Maxima, bright pink flowers, pink bract leafs, 80 cm HP
Boykinia rotundifolia, white/crème 30 cm HP
Bulbinella hookeri, yellow 90 cm HHP
Callandrinia, magenta 15 cm HHP
Callandrinia depressa, tiny flowers, red/magenta 10 cm HHP
Campanula alliarifolia, blue 30 cm HP
Campanula americana, soft blue 80 cm HP
Campanula carnea, small blue flowers 50 cm HP
Campanula glomerata “Superba”,( bellflower) blue 40 cm HP
Campanula grossekii, blue 80 cm HP
Campanula latifolia “Macrantha” very big blue flowers, 80 cm HP
Campanula latifolia “Eriocarpa” big blue flowers, 80 cm HP
Campanula persicifolia blue 70 cm HP (peachleaf bellflower)
Campanula persicifolia “Alba” 70 cm HP (peachleaf bellflower)
Campanula prenantoides, blue 80 cm (bellflower)
Campanula raineri, light blue, 35 cm HP
Campanula sibirica, blue 60 cm HP
Campanula takesimana, crème with dark red spreckels 50cm HP (bellflower)
Campanula takesimana Elizabeth red with white spreckels,50 cm HP (bellflower)
Campanula trachelium “Alba”, white, 70 cm HP
Centaurea cyanus, bright blue mixt with Centaurea cyanus. “burgundy” very dark red/black, 90 cm ANNUAL
Centaurea Montana, deep blue45 cm HP
Centaurea uniflora subsp. Nervosa, blue 40 cm HP
Centranthus ruber, red 60 cm HP
Cephalaria radiata. Crème 100 cm HP (giant scabious)
Cerastinum tomentosum, (snow in the summer) white, 15 cm HP
Cerinthe glabra, 70 cm yellow HP
Cerinthe major, (honey wort) yellow + brown 40 cm ANNUAL
Cerinthe major purpurascens, green/blue ANNUAL (honey wort)
Cheiranthus cheirii,(wallflower) yellow 50 cm HP/HB
Cheiranthus cheirii, “Goliath” brown/red 40 cm HP/HB (wallflower)
Cheiranthus cheirii, red/purple/orange 70 cm HP/HB (wallflower)
Chelone obliqua, pink 75 cm HP (balmony)
Cleome spinosa “Helen Campbell”, (giant spiderplant) 90 cm white ANNUAL
Collomia grandiflora, (large flower mountain trumpet)soft orange 90 cm ANNUAL
Coreopsis grandiflora (tickseed)double flower, yellow 40 cm
Coreopsis tinctoria “Carmen”, dark red, 50 cm ANNUAL (tickseed)
Coreopsis lanceotata, yellow with red, 70 cm HP (lanceleaf tickseed)
Corydalis sempervirens,pink/purple + yellow 50 cm HHP (pink corydalis)
Cosmos bipinnatus “Sea Shell” mix pink, white 80 cm ANNUAL
Cosmos mix ANNUAL
Cotula hispida, grey small leaves, yellow balls 10 cm HP (goldballs)
Cynoglossum “Mystery Rose”, pink 40 cm (hound’s tongue)
Delphinium “Gletscherwasser”, soft blue 90 cm HP
Delphinium grandiflorum “Blauer Zwerg” (Larkspur) blue, 25 cm HHP
Delphinium likianensis, blue 30 cm HHP
Dianthus deltoides “Alba”,(maiden pinks) white 15 cm HP
Dianthus deltoides, dark pink, 15 cm HP (maiden pink)
Dianthus knappi, lemon yellow 60 cm HP
Dianthus “Rainbow Loveliness” pink mix 45 cm HP
Digitalis lanata, white with red/brown 90 cm HB
Digitalis lutea, (strawfoxglove) soft yellow/crème 60 cm HP
Digitalis mertonensis, strawberryred, 100 cm HP (foxglove)
Digitalis purpurea “Alba”, white 120 cm HB (foxglove)
Digitalis purpurea, pink 120 cm HB (foxglove)
Draba aizoon, yellow 6 cm HP (rockgardenplant)
Dracocephalum bullatum, soft blue, 25 cm HP
Dracocephalum canescens, (dragonhead)white+blue 30cm HHP
Dracocephalum moldavicum, blue/purper 50 cm ANNUAL (European dragonhead)
Echinacea purpurea, dark pink 60 cm HP (coneflower)
Echinacea purpurea “Rubinstern” darker pink 90 cm HP (coneflower)
Echinops ritro, steelblue, 120 cm HP (globetistle)
Echinops spaerocephalum, white/blue 150 cm HP
Erigeron compositus, grey leaf, white small flower, 10 cm HP
Eryngium amethistinum, amethistblue 60 cm HP
Eryngium brommelifolium, green/white 100 cm HP
Eryngium eburneum, green/white 120 cm HP
Eryngium planum,(eryngo) steelblue 120 cm HP
Eryngium planum, “Blaukappe” blue 70 cm HP (eryngo)
Eschscholzia californica, (californica poppy)orange 30 cm ANNUAL
Eschscholzia caespitosa “Sundew” (mini) 10 cm A yellow
Eschscholzia californica “Milky White”, crème/yellow 30 cm A
Eupatorium cannabinum, soft pink 90 cm, hand leafs flowers, HP (Joe pye weed)
Eupatorium purpurea “Atropurpureum”, dark red/pink 150 cm HP (Joe pye weed)
Euphorbia lathyrus, (mole plant) greenish, 120 cm
Fibigia clypeata, yellow 40 cm, grey leafes, HP
Francoa appendiculata, pinkish flowers, 80 cm HHP (bridal wreath)
Francoa sonchifolia, (Bridal wreath) pink/white 80 cm
Geranium “Orchid Blue”, 40 cm HHP/ANNUAL
Geum chiloense “Mrs Bradshaw”(avens) red HP 25 cm
Geum coccineum “Borisii”,orange/red 30 cm HP (avens)
Geum rivale, salmon 50cm HP (avens)
Geum specie yellow 35 cm HP
Gladiolus callianthus, white 30 cm HHP
Globularia punctata, blue balls 30 cm HP (globeflower)
Helianthus annuus “Sonja”, red sunflower, 120 cm ANNUAL
Heliophila longifolia, (cape stock) blue-white, 45 cm ANNUAL
Heracleum mantegazzianum, white 200cm HB (giant cow parsnip)
Heteropappus meyendorfii “Blue Knoll” 40 cm HP (blue daisyflower)
Heuchera brizoides gracillime, white/crème 40 cm HP
Heuchera “Crispy Curly” white/pink, 40 cm curled leafs HP
Heuchera “Palace Purple” 45 cm HP
Hyoscyanus niger, yellow/crème 20 cm HHP
Hibiscus blue shrub HP
Hibiscus pink shrub HP
Hibiscus trionum, creme 45 cm ANNUAL (flower of an hour)
Hieracium aurantiacum, red/orange 30cm HP (orange hawkweed)
Knautia dipsacifolia, blue 80 cm HP (field scabious)
Knautia macedonica, (field scabious) dark red, 60 cm HP
Kniphofia, (pokerplant) orange/red and yellow 90 cm HP
Laurentia “Blue star” 30cm blue ANNUAL
Lavatera trimestris “Mont Blanc”, white 70 cm A
Leontopodium ochroleucum, white, grey leafs 20 cm (looks like Edelweiss)
Liatris ligustylis, purper blue balls, 90 cm HP (blazing star)
Liatris spicata , lila 80 cm HP (Blazing star)
Ligularia dentata “Othello”(Leopard plant), 80 cm orange/yellow HP
Linaria alpina, purple + orange, 25 cm HP
Linaria maroccana “Fairy lights” (Toadflax) white + pink, 40 cm ANNUAL
Linaria purpurea, blue/purple 80 cm HP (toadflax)
Linaria purpurea "Canon J.Went" soft pink 50 cm HP (toadflax)
Linnum perenne, blue 60 cm HP
Lobelia gerardii “Butterfly Blue”, blue 60 cm HP
Lobelia gerardii “Vedraiensis”, purple/blue 70 cm HP
Lobelia siphilitica “Alba”, white 80 cm HP
Lobelia siphilitica, soft blue 80 cm HP
Lunaria biennis, (Honesty) blue 90 cm HB
Lupinus, blue with white 90 cm HHB
Lupinus, soft pink with white 90 cm HHB
Lychnis alpina var. serpentinicola, blue/purple 10 cm HP
Lychnis chalcedonica,(Maltese cross) red 90cm HP
Lychnis chalcedonica “Alba”, white (Maltese cross) 90 cm HP
Lychnis chalcedonica carnea, soft pink 90 cm HP (maltese cross)]
Lychnis cognata, orange 20 cm HHP
Lychnis coronaria Alba, white 80 cm HP (rose campion)
Lychnis coronaria , magenta 80 cm HP (rose campion)
Lychnis coronaria “Oculata” white with a pink blush, 70 cm HP (rose campion)
Lychnis flos cuculi, red/pink 60 cm HP (campion)
Lychnis haageana, red 15 cm HHP
Lychnis miqueliana, orange/red 40cm HHP
Lychnis sieboldi “Terry’s Pink” 30 cm HP
Lychnis yunnanensis, pink 40 cm HP
Lysimachia minorcensis variegata, white 30 cm HP (loosestrife)
Macleya cordata, 150 cm HP (looks like papaver)
Malva mauretiana, dark purple 80 cm HHP
Malva moschata,(mallow) pink 60 cm HP
Malva sylvestris “Zebrina” white + pink 100cm HP (mallow)
Mimulus “Andean nymph”, red + crème + peach 15 cm HHP
Mimulus cupreus tigrinus “Queens Prize”, orange+yellow 35 cm, HHP/A
Mimulus minima, small yellow flowers, 10 cm HHP
Mimulus mistic, dark red 20 cm ANNUAL
Mimulus primuloides, yellow 15 cm HHP (monkey flower)
Mitella ovalis, crème 25 cm HP
Monarda didyma “Croftway Pink”, (beebalm) soft pink 80 cm
Muscari armeriacus, 20 cm HP
Muscari specie, blue 25 cm HB (grape hyacinth)
Nemesia foetens “Pallida” mix lila + white , 60 cm ANNUAL
Nemesia nana compacta “Blue and White” 25 cm ANNUAL
Nemesia strumosa “Blue Gem”, blue 20 cm ANNUAL
Nemesia strumosa “Prince of orange”, 60 cm ANNUAL
Nepeta subsessilis “Pink Form”, 60 cm HP
Nicandra physaloides, (shoo-fly plant) blue with white, 80 cm ANNUAL
Nicandra physaloides “Black Pod”, with vagiegated leafs, 80 cm ANNUAL
Nicotiana Avalon, red 40 cm A
Nicotiana “Chaumont”, brown/red 90 cm A
Nicotiana “Fragant Cloud”,(tobacco) whitish 50 cm ANNUAL
Nicotiana langsdorfii “Cream Splash”, yellow/crème 90 cm ANNUAL
Nicotiana “Lime green”, 40 cm ANNUAL (tobacco)
Oenothera caespitosa, (eveningprimrose) white/pink 20 cm HHP
Oenothera minima, small yellow flowers, 10 cm HP
Oenothera speciosa rosea, 25 cm pink HP (eveningprimrose)
Oenothera tetragona, yellow with red, 60 cm HP (eveningprimrose)
Oenothera versicolor “Sunset Boulevard” red/orange 45 cm HHP (eveningprimrose)
Omphalodes “Hails of Spain”, white, 20 cm ANNUAL (navelwort)
Omphalodes kuzinskyana, white, 15 cm ANNUAL (navelwort)
Omphalodes linifolia, white 30 cm ANNUAL (navelwort)
Oreganum laevigatum, (marjory) red/purple, 50 cm HP
Oxypetalum (Tweedia) caerleum “Havenly Blue” licht blue 60 cm HHP
Papaver alboroseum, salmon/pink 20 cm grey leaf HHP
Papaver alpina, orange 25 cm HP
Papaver atlanticum "Semiplenum", soft orange 40 cm HP (poppy)
Papaver lapponicum yellow/orange 15 cm A
Papaver orientalis, orange 80 cm HP (poppy)
Papaver orientalis “Vermillion” 80 cm HP
Papaver “Pepperbox” , pink 90 cm ANNUAL
Papaver miyabeanum “Pacino” lemon yellow 25 cm HHP (poppy)
Papaver nudicaule “Exelcior”, “San Remo”, “Wonderland” mix orange, yellow, white, pink. 30 cm HHP
Papaver rhoeas “Fairy Wings” pink mix ANNUAL
Papaver somniferum “Danebrog Laced” red + white 80 cm
Papaver somniferum, dark red(peony) 80cm ANNUAL (poppy)
Papaver somniferum “Giganteum” mix, very big seedpods, 100 cm ANNUAL (poppy)
Papaver “Taffeta” purple. Fringed fully double blooms, 80 cm HHP (poppy)
Papaver “Taffeta” red, fringed fully double blooms, 80 cm
Papaver venus, soft red with bit white (fully double blooms) 80cm HHP (poppy)
Penstemon hirsitus pygmaeus, pink/purple 20 cm HP
Phlomis russeliana (Jerusalem sage) yellow 80 cm HP
Physostegia virginiana “Alba”, (obedientplant)white 70 cm HP
Physostegia virginiana, soft pink 80 cm HP
Plantago purpurea , dark red leafs, 25 cm HP
Plantago major “Rosularis”, green flowers 25 cm ANNUAL (plantain)
Platycodon grandiflora “Alba”, 60 cm HP
Platicodon grandiflora, blue 50 cm HP
Polemonium carneum Alba, 60 cm HP
Polemonium caeruleum, (Jacobs Ladder) blue 60 cm HP
Polemonium brandegii, yellow HHP
Polemonium foliosissimum flavum, yellow 50 cm HP (jacobsladder)
Polemonium ophiocarpa, soft yellow 60 cm HP (jacobsladder)
Polemonium pauciflorum, soft yellow 40 cm HP (jacobsladder)
Polemonium pulcherum “Blue Master”, blue 80 cm HP (jacobsladder)
Potentilla nepalensis “Miss Wilmott”, red 30 cm HP
Primula farinosa, li.lila 30 cm HP
Primula japonica “Postford White” pinkish, 40 cm HP (japanese cowslip, primrose)
Primula veris “Red Strain”, red 10 cm HP
Prunella grandiflora “Alba”, white 25 cm HP (self heal)
Psilotrophe tagetina yellow 50 cm A
Ratibida columnifera, red + yellow Mexican hat 50 cm ANNUAL
Rhodochiton atrosanguineus, dark red 40 cm A
Romanzoffia unalaschensis, white small flowers, round shining leafs, 20 cm HP
Salvia coccinea “Coral Nymph” (scarlet sage) soft pink with red 60 cm HA
Salvia coccinea “Lady in red” red 60 cm HA (scarlet sage)
Salvia expamirs, blue 80 cm
Salvia glutinosa, soft yellow 100 cm HP (sage)
Salvia hormonium, blue, pink mix ANNUAL (sage)
Salvia lyrata “Purple Knockout” dark red leaf, 40 cm HHP
Salvia lyrata, green + red leafs 40 cm HHP
Salvia merjamie (meryame) licht blue 30 cm HP (sage)
Salvia moretii, blue 30 cm A
Salvia napifolia li. blue, 60 HP (sage)
Salvia nemerosa blue/purple 60 cm HP (sage)
Salvia sclarea, white/pink 100 cm HB (sage)
Salvia splendens, red 40 cm ANNUAL (sage)
Salvia sub. Sp. Tesquicola dark purper, HP 50 cm (sage)
Salvia verticilata, blue 90 cm HP (sage)
Sanguisorba menziesi, red 100 cm HP (burnet)
Sanguisorba minor, (burnet) dark red 80 cm HP
Sanguisorba officinalis “Tanna”, dark red 60 cm (burnet)
Saxifraga stribrnyi, red/purple 25 cm HP
Scabiosa atropurpurea “Ace of Spades” very dark red 40 cm HHP/ANNUAL (scabious)
Scabiosa mix: raspberry, white, maroon, pale pink 90 cm ANNUAL (scabious)
Scabiosa caucasia, 60 cm HP
Scabiosa ochroleuca, creme/yellow 50 cm HP
Schivereckia podolica, white 20 cm HP (rockgardenplant)
Schizanthus angelwings, (poorman’s orchid) purple with yellow, ANNUAL 50 cm
Scutellaria altissima, (scullcap), blue + white lip 50 cm HP
Scutellaria galericulata, blue 40 cm HP (european scullcap)
Scutellaria incana, blue + white 80 cm HP (scullcap)
Scutellaria orientalis, yellow 20 cm HP (groundcovering)
Sedum ruprechtii, soft yellow 30 cm HP
Sidalcea alba, 70 cm HP
Silene conica, light pink 30 cm ANNUAL
Silene odorata, bright pink, 15 cm ANNUAL
Silene suksdorfii, white flowers (little bells) grey leafs 45 cm HP
Sisyrinchium angustifolium, (Blue eyed grass) blue 25 cm HP
Sisyrinchium bermudianum “Alba”, white (Blue eyed grass) 25 cm HP
Sisyrinchium californicum, yellow 20 cm HP (yellow blue eyed grass)
Sisyrinchium striatum, soft yellow 70 cm HP (soft yellow blue eyed grass)
Solanum specie, mini pumpkin fruit ( 5 cm sq) orange.
Solanum laciniatum, (Kangaroo apple) purple 90 cm HHP
Solanum sisymbriifolium,(red buffalo bur) 80 cm white/blue HHP
Solidago specie, yellow 120 cm HP (goldenrod)
Spilanthes acmella oleracea, (eyeballplant), yellow with red eye, 30 cm ANNUAL
Stachys byzantina,(lambs ear) pink, silver leaf 25 cm HP
Tabernae Montana, blue 60 cm HP
Tigridia pavonia, red 60 cm HHP
Tolpis barbata, lemon yellow 50 cm A
Townsendia eximia, white 10 cm HP (rockgarden plant)
Trachymene coerulea, blue 80 cm ANNUAL (blue laceflower)
Tragopogon porrifolius (oysterplant) purple/yellow, 80 cm HB
Tricyrtis hirta, purple+white, 60 cm HP
Trifolium incarnatum, (klover) bright red 60 cm HHP
Tunica saxifraga, (caot flower) pink/white ANNUAL 40 cm
Umbilicus rupestris, green/crème 20 cm HHP
Ursinia anethoides, yellow/orange 35 cm A
Verbascum bakerianum, (mullein) whitisch/pink 80 cm HP
Verbena bonariensis, 150 cm blue HHP (purpletop vervain)
Verbena hastata, candalabra dark purple 80 cm HP (vervain)
Verbena hastata “Alba”, candalabra white 80 cm HP (vervain)
Veronica longifolia, blue 90 cm HP (speedwell)
Veronica prostata, (speedwell) blue 40cm HP
Veronica teucrium (austriaca) “Königsblau”, 40cm blue HP (speedwell)
Veronica spicata, blue 40 cm HP (speedwell)
Veronicastrum virginicum “Fasination” light pink, 120 cm HP (culvers root)
Waldsteinia fragarioides, (Barren strawberry) yellow 25 cm HP
Wahlenbergia undulata “Melton Bluebird”, blue 30 cm ANNUAL

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi, I 've met Emmy. She is in person also a very kind lady.
She only lives 15 minutes driving away from me. Gee...if I had known you did'nt know her I would have posted her adress earlier. She's a DG member. If you browse the memberlist on DG you'll find her and her tradelist. If you browse the memberstradelists you'll find her much sooner because Emmy has the largest list of us all. If I see her I'll bring your greetings to her. I still have an invitation to visit her and for together visiting these
two excellent nurseries very near (a twenty minutes drive)to us overhere:

Both websites have an English written version. They are nice to read, so have fun..!

This message was edited Monday, Jan 6th 8:55 AM

This message was edited Monday, Jan 6th 9:01 AM

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

She really has a great list. It's great we use same money here in europe, I sent her 2 € last year and she sent me a nice collection of seeds I wanted. :D

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks, go_vols, appreciate it. Wow, what a list! John

I can also vouch for Emmy, she is one of the best examples of a seed trader I know. I felt a little bad last year because I'd got my seeds out to her only a day before hers arrived (the only took 3 days!) She must have sent them the very next day after our emails :)

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I too have purchased seeds from Emily over a year ago. All of them germinated and her selection had hard-to-find and unusual varieties. It was a pleasure purchasing seeds from her.

I have also have purchased seeds from Tom Clothier several times also. He is extremely knowledgeable and has a very comprehensive website which has a tremendous amount of gardening information. Unfortunately, this will be his last season to offer his seeds for purchase, as he indicates on his webpage that he is retiring from all of this and moving to a condo due to health problems. However, his website will be maintained and will be transferred over to another person, sometime this year.

J.L. Hudson is another favorite site in which to purchase unique seeds from all over the world. The cost is fairly inexpensive, $1.50 to $3.00 range for packets of seeds that may be difficult to germinate. He also provides quite a bit of description with each variety that is offered. Again, all the seeds have germinated and I have enjoyed purchasing & growing these unique varieties.

So, if you are on a search for interesting, unusual, hard-to-find varieties worldwide, I would highly recommend checking out all of these websites. It is a nice change from the usual "run of the mill" varieties that one finds mass produced at local stores.

Happy seed hunting!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow, and here I thought I was giving away a well-kept secret when I started this thread, lolol. Seriously, I'm glad to know so many others speak highly of these sources as well.

I know how difficult and expensive it can be to build up a collection of plants "from scratch", (I still count myself as a "beginning gardener" by that definition) and I hope these sources will help others the way they've helped me.

I'd also stress that we have some marvelous seed traders here at DG, too - subscribed and non-subscribed alike.

The plant/seed trading link in the right-hand column will take you to the tradelists. You can search for seeds by typing in the botanical or common name at the top (you might try both, since everybody has their own preference in listing their seeds), and check out the "have's". I've always wanted to play matchmaker, and email those who are seeking a particular seed, and letting them know which members have what they're looking for ;-)

Brooksville, ME(Zone 5a)

I have also purchased seeds from Emmy. She was quick and helpful. Several of the seeds I wanted were no longer available and she let me know right away. Very nice. Can't wait to grow them this spring

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

bumping this back up for those who may have missed it last year. Here's a link to her updated seedlist:

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I ordered from Emmy a while back and am waiting for their arrival. I'm so excited. Thanks for the other links.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Here's a link I found for a dollar a pack. seed count vary and most not very large. but has a good selection

Ranburne, AL(Zone 8b)

.do u have another link for her..thanks in advance it would not pull up for me

North Pole, AK(Zone 1)

pprice256...Not sure if you noticed this thread started in 2003 with the last post being 5+years ago. Must be an outdated/inactive link...Just a thought.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I ordered from Emmy just last year. Here is a link to her page She is wonderful to deal with, and very generous with her seeds. My only problem was customs on this side confiscated everything I ordered, and forwarded on an empty envelope with a note that they had destroyed the seeds.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh Deb, I'm so sorry. Emmy is a fun person to trade with..lots of neat seeds. I'm glad she's still trading, but I'm really sorry to hear of the confiscation problems...

Spooner, WI

That list is amazing! I'm in trouble! :)

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

It's really very easy to get a permit for importing small lots of seeds so that this doesn't happen to you...then you can send a label along to the person you're trading with and they put it on the outside of the envelope.:

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I applied for and received small lot permits .. it really is easy and worth it.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

She is still around. Click on momcat's link and go to her 2010/2011 list.

This is the price she has posted on her sight:

USA and other countries outside Europe: 1 US dollar for 1 packet of seeds

Costs of postage: 1,50 US dollar

This message was edited Mar 5, 2011 8:39 AM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

The link today leads me to her page where under SEED LIST it says:

"Seeds from my garden are not available anymore, I have no time to collect and lable ect. the seeds."


northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

That is too bad. She was always so nice to deal with, and very generous with her seeds.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

Sounds like she's just overwhelmed. Maybe she'll find her way again.

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