Hellebore seeds sprouting now- need advice asap

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Received a trade of hellebore seeds today. Must have been over 100 seeds YEAH!!! Bad news is, they were all sprouting. I of course put them in some potting soil and will keep them inside- my question? will they grow even though they've been exposed to extreme temps. in the mail with only a little tail for a root? The ones that hadn't germinated, I planted outside. Any help would be appreciated. Kristi

Inside where?

The seedlings will probably do best in a cool greenhouse or cold frame rather than where there is a lot of warmth. They'll need the shelter but not the heat.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Dang,I try to start them and it doesent work,you get them in the mail already started....

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

I put them in a spare bedroom that stays about 65. I've closed the heat registers to keep it cool in there. Sun for about three hours a day.

This message was edited Wednesday, Dec 18th 6:41 PM

I'd have thought 65F was still too warm, but who knows, I've never tried it.

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Baa- what temp. do you recommend? I'm without a cold frame or greenhouse. I do have a unheated garage but the temps. can drop below frezzing in there. Perhaps a sheltered location close to the house? Thanks, Kristi

Like I say I've never tried it and they might do well, if you can get it down to around 50-55F that might be ideal.

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)


Why don't you put some outside? I have never grown any from seed per se, but they sprout around the momma plant and are evergreen here in my zone 7. I've always heard they were difficult to germinate so you are quite lucky to get them already started I would think. I harvested some hosta seed like that this year - that was a first for me and the funny thing the pods weren't even completely dried out. Brenda

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hellebore seedlings are tough. They just grow around the base of parent plants and grow almost as soon as the parent drops them. They hate being dried out.

I said this on lots of posts recently. if you are gonna grow perennials inside whereever with extra heat you have to think if these will be enough light, natural, to keep the plants healthy. there also the added risk of leggy plants getting Botyrtis. try positioning the pot at the base of a south facing wall of your house.

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks for all the advice. I picked out all the seeds that had sprouted from the ones that didn't. I seperated them- those that sprouted stayed inside under a grow light. They are starting to get their first true leaves. The seeds that didn't germinate are out in the garden in a pot. Hopefully the ones inside will make it.

My intent was to not start them inside but after getting them sent to me sprouted I didn't think the little sprouts would survive the temp. drops. I'll keep everyone updated. I must have over 100 little seedlings. Come on spring.


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