Waste veg cooking water

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

After making a lovely roast chicken dinner, with sage & onion stuffing, boilded new poatoes mmm carrots, winter cabbage lots of lovely rich gravy mmmm and Yorkshire puddings. So nice I need to sit down at the computer because I'm so full. Anyway what I was thinking as I drained the veg, what a waste draining the water the veg had cooked in down the sink. What I want to know is Does anyone save this and feed the plants with it?

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes, yes, yes!

(I think that's an affirmation.)

The waste boiled water from any cooking veg is wondrous (cool) to pour on any plant pot.

Even better, blenderise any waste peelings and plate waste - and pour it onto your veggies outside. (And never mind the moans from energy conservationists...)

Instant compost!

I used to sprout seeds in factory quantities.

And I poured the rinse water on my indoor pots.

Growth fantabulous!

(Sprout water is rich in germination enzymes. That's a very good tip for any gardener - who wants to get their seedlings off to a great start.)

So do dowse your pots in your cooking water. They'll love you for it.


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Fascinating John - and never thought about sprout rinse water! Thanks

And thanks southmede for asking the question :)

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

a brilliant tip John many thanks,

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I must confess I use the waste veg water to feed the family!! :-) I make the gravy with it,we bloom non-stop !LOL

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, that's something i've always done sueone. But the sprouting water i've always run down the sink - what a waste apparently. Definitely going to save that to water the plants with in future.

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