EU October RR has started

Don't you believe it Philomel. I try really hard to make it acceptable on the packets, all capitalised *G*


Well I haven't managed to get it right so far so it must be true :)

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hi gerddi,
Got the package this morning,and I know what you mean by the expensive postage,lol!Size is a problem here:).
I will be sending it out by Friday the much to pick from!


Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

First ,hello Saya! Welcome to DG! You are from you live in Zeeland? MY husband's aunt lives there now,but the family are originally from Rotterdam.What a lovely country you live in,I must say.
Anyway,I have taken the following seeds out:
Colorado blue corn
lime Basil
Clematis orientalis
Chiogga beets
I also took some of the Cercis and Bauhinia seeds...I didn't want many,so half are left
I have added:
Mirabilis jalapa
DWarf sunflower"Gelber Knirps",really cute and they look like pom-poms! I added a small picture to the baggie
Pumpkin-Atlantic Giant
Okra-dwarf green pod
Cerinthe minor"Pride of Gibraltar
Lathyrus odorata-annual
LAthrus odorata perrenial
Canna indica
Nigella"Transformer"-little yelow flowers,but makes nice pods for arranging
Mixed Clarkia,or Godetia
mixed Coleus(Solenostemon)
Datura Stramonium "Tatulo"
Datura Inoxia
Stevia-the sweet those leaves
Papaver Hens and Chickens

The next stop is Wintermoor.I have changed the envelope,and added some blank return address labels,too.I was told here that as of last year,it is better to send anything out of the country with a return address on it.They may not forward it,and it may be destroyed.This also applied to things coming in to Switzerland since we also had the dreaded Anthrax scares last year.
I will post when it goes out,and the estimated TOA..yes I do ask these things,lol.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Oh my goodness!!! You guys have got tons of seeds that you're all banding around. I'm lucky if I've got 1% of what you all have.

I'm looking forward to it though ;-)


Thanks Gwist!

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Yes I'm very lucky that I've found you all on DG. Thanks for all the warm welcomes. Gwist, I live in the very south of Limburg. It's a hilly countryside so near to the Ardennen and the Eiffel. But we have no sea nearby like in Zeeland that I love a lot also. I miss the sea, could'nt go to the seaside for holidays this year.

Hey... you all make me very curious for the seeds that are in this package.. Anyway I'll put my best seeds aside to put in. I'm looking very much forward!


Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

O.k.,the RR is on its' way to Germany.They said 3-5 days,but what means on Friday afternoon is anyones'guess,lol.


Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

Gwist - are you Swiss or English?

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

gerddi,i'm an American..a Nooyawka,actually,but,no I don't talk with the typical accent,lol

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

I thought you were probably Swiss! What are you doing here in CH?

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hee hee..long story! Raising children and plants,but I will e-mail you soon.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

RR has arrived in Hamburg just at tha same time as Gardeness Trish ;-)

I'll get things read, checked, swapped, and sent out a.s.a.p.

What a great collection of seeds, I'll have to get a photo with Trish to show those Yan.... sorry American friends, that we have a cracker of a RR here :-D

All the best


Thanks Wintermoor and good photo!

Southmede have you received the RR yet?

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

The RR will be going out tomorrow morning to Deblynn in Denmark, so it should be there by Monday at the latest.

I took out:

Agastache foeniculum
and the Dwarf Sunflowers

I put in:

Hemerocallis "Frans Hals"
Tigridia pavonia "Canariensis
Brugmansia "Charles Grimaldi X Ecuador Pink
Brugmansia "Jean Pascale X ISA?? I don't kow what the hybrid is, I must ask Calalily.

So there it was in Hamburg.

All the best


The photo is of the Day Lily "Frans Hals"

Thumbnail by Wintermoor

Thanks Wintermoor!

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Has the RR not arrived at Deblynn yet??

I sent it out last Friday on 1st. class mail :-(

*getting worried*


Not as far as I know WM, I'm sure she'll let me know as soon as it arrives, if I haven't heard by Friday I'll send her an email. Christmas post eh!

Southmede has received the other RR and it should be winging it's merry way to Evert.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

I didn't know the Christmas post had already started, that could be the reason.

All the best


Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Baa, won't Arsenic get it first?

Yes sorry Evert you're right of course.

Deblynn has received and sent the RR on to Evert and I've not heard from Arsenic but I'm sure he has it by now.

Thanks everyone and keep up the good work!

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