Gooin' Whum Bo?

This is the back end of Bo the dog, he'd decided it was time to go back home regardless of what Baa was doing.

Autunm's definitely arrived here this last 2 weeks.

Thumbnail by Baa
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Look like he's got his stick ready to light the fire with, and lie by.Hope he didn't leave you too far behind!!I love the New Forset, used to go there a lot with my Mum and Dad.

LOL Sueone, that might just be his thinking. He worries me sick sometimes when these sticks catch on the floor, it always looks as if his neck will snap off.

The forest is a special place isn't it. I feel very lucky to be so close to it. Do you still come this way on occasion?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Not very much now unfortunately.We used to go right off the beaten track with my Dad, he knew it quite well I think, and I've often tried to find those places again.It feels very primeval in some more remote parts, you can almost sense the nobility riding through in their hunting parties.LOL.

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