October EU RR Prelim

Hi all

As promised I intend to send out the next round of the RR Wednesday 23rd October. We have 4 more members who have joined making it quite a sizable group. As this is the preliminary thread I'd appreciate your input on some of my scattered thoughts.

My initial order of posting is

DPMichael - Crete
Gerddi - Switzerland
Wintermoor - Germany
Deblynn - Denmark
Evert - Finland
Arsenic - Norway
Southmede - Northumberland
Lilith - Durham
Lorny75 - Suffolk
John Yeoman - Bedfordshire
Sueone - Dorset
Philomel - Kent
Baa - Hampshire

Anyone else who wants to join in please let me know ASAP on this thread.

Anyone on the list who wants to opt out, again, please let me know ASAP on this thread.


As there are so many on the list, how about I split the RR into two packages to send in opposite directions? Any thoughts?

As the last time, please swap like for like as far as possible.

A maximum of two seed packets of any one plant i.e. Tagetes - Marigold in the envelope at any one time please.

Additionally, we need some thought on the veg content of the envelope, again, suggestions (vegwise) greatly appreciated.

Any more relevant suggestions please post here.



Hi Baa, I like the idea of sending two packages in opposite directions! Cool idea! I'm not a big vegetable fan, so I better not say anything (but I do prefer flowers....) :-)

Count me in for the RR and as a two package person.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Yes, that sounds good to me.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

2 in opposite directions sounds a very good idea. Thanks Baa :)

This message was edited Tuesday, Oct 15th 3:55 AM

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

would it work if one packet went one way, the other in the opposite, then when they come back to you, thefirst packet goes in the second direction, and the second packet in the first, if you see what I mean?I'm not sure if there's any advantage in that but we'd all get a go at each others ,I think!

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)


Why not make it a Perpetual Round Robin?

So when you, Baa, as the last person on the list, get back the final package.... you trundle it out yet again to the first person?

So it runs around the world forever. And we never have to buy seed again and can bequeath our membership in the PRR to our grandchildren?

Seriously, I've run several Perpetual Round Robins and the packages are still flopping through my door, a year later.

(True, folk do drop out in Summer - but a PRR has a potential life far longer than you might think.)

Just a thought...


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I quite like the idea of a second package going backwards. It must increase the chances of different seeds being on offer for all of us

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

I don't mind either way as long I get acess to both flower and vegetable seeds the packages doing different rounds and then swapping over is a good idea..

Not having done one before - do I need to send seeds to you to start with, Baa, or have you got plenty?

Thanks everyone!


You'll get to see both anyway as they are going in opposite directions, both will get to everyone at some point :)


Good idea, I'll post up a message towards the end of this one to see if people are still interested.

Incidently, I saw your viasge the other day in a magazine! (Not saying which one .... bwahahaha)

Deblynn and Philomel

The reason I suggested this is because there are so many packets in the original I can't fit them all in a reasonable sized envelope *G* But yes I think it will increase the chance for people to see seeds from all those who've put some in.


No need to send me anything! When you get one of the envelopes you have a look through and if you like a packet (or packets) of seed take those out and pop in the same amount of packets from your own stash. If you don't want anything just reseal the envelope and send on to the next person.

Don't worry I'll include instructions but if you want more detail now let me know and I'll email them to you.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hurrah for Baa. It's all sounding v. good!

And i saw that phizzog too ;)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Thanks baa,I knew it was dangerous, me having an idea !! :-)
I can't wait,Christmas come early!!

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

OK, I seem to be the first guest of honour ??
Please make a note inside the packet and let me know whom I send it to next - I think this opposite direction directive has lost me somewhere.



Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hi Baa,
Still have space for one more on your list?

Let me know,and thanks,Gwist


I've sent you a quick email but yes Crete will be the first stop for one of the envelopes :)


Great stuff! Please let me know your address via email and I'll get you on the list :)

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Thans for arranging this for us, love getting the package full of choice seeds. I feel like a child who can't make a decision.

Cheers Carol

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Wot, phizzog?

You refer to my photogenic profile in such surly terms?

Lest other lurkers in this forum be misled, I append here my authorised phizzog, in all its authentic beauty. Accept no substitutes...


Thumbnail by John_Yeoman
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yep John, that's the one

I won't be able to post this out until Monday 28th October now. I hope that doesn't spoil anyones plans.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Absolutely fine by me Baa (says she feverishly shaking, winnowing, sorting, packeting, labelling......)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hey everyone, the alternative package reached me today - loads of yummy goodies thanks Baa - so it'll be winging it's way to you on Monday sueone

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Is your domestic mail really so slow? :}

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Well we don't have a collection of mail after noon on a saturday Evert and i won't be able to get to the PO by then, and none on a sunday, so i'll be mailing the packet out on monday - OK??

Sorry this one went out later than expected due to a bit of a crises earlier this week.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Perfect timing for me thanks Baa. Been working flat out all week and feeling sorry for myself with the first cold i've had for ages.
So this has come in time to cheer me up and i'm free to enjoy choosing and sending on.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Philomel, well, mail only moves and is delivered 5 days a week here.

Baa, is the other envelope on the way to Michael?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh well, we beat that then, hahaha!! It just doesn't move as fast as yours?

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

It is funny sometimes.. letters from Finland arrive to UK the same speed as domestic letters :}
Usually it takes 1 to 2 days for domestic letters here (2-4 days to UK).

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It amazed me when we went to the north cape, I posted cards from there. 2 got here within two days!!! the rest took about 2 weeks!!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Was that in Norway or Finland?

Maybe the letters arrive so fast to UK because I am so close to Helsinki, the airport and sorting centres.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Well, i got a wriggle on, and the packet's on it's way to you now sueone :)

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

No arrival here yet.
More news on Monday.



Considering the speed the previous 2 RRs went at, it seems the EU postage system (including the UK) is working at optimum. As it happens Philomel got the package in 1 day!


The package should be with you early next week.

Sorry Philomel I forgot to say thanks a lot for getting it back out so quickly, did you have time to make a selection? LOL

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

that was norway evert.thanks philomel, waiting with eager anticipation,I was watching Gardeners World last night, he was sowing seeds that needed dormancy breaking, in pots, in layers. I'd not seen that technique before, might give it a try.I tend to sow a lot of seeds at this time,

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes thanks Baa, I chose your Eucomis and Passiflora and a grass from sueone - thanks sue.

yes i thought that technique looked good sue, I'll give it a go as well.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I see... at first I thought you sent it on monday ;)

I hope the envelopes aren't too big, again.. ROFL x) Remember what happened last time? =)


The envelopes are the size you requested as was the one before.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi ,seeds arrived this morning,gave me something nice to do while I had my breakfast :-)I've selected my choice and put in a few extras . I chose
canterbury bells
ceiba pentancia
reseda odorata
in their place I put;
agapanthus mix blues
heuchera mix dk leaved
lobelia tupa
dbl orange poppy
malva 'windsor castle'
mix jacobs ladders
clematis spooneri
" montana
" " reubens
" eriostemen
" forsteri
anthemis tinctoria
lavender 'munstead'
stipa tenuissima
verbascum pheoniceum mix
salvia forskahoili
mix penstemon species
geum rivale
geum 'blazing sunset'
mix euphorbia characias
eryngium eubernum
eryngium agavifolium
carex flagellifera
cerinthe major purpurescens
canna indica
mix border campanulas
I'll try to get it in the post this afternoon, if not then tomorrow morning.I'm going to spend an hour now, ovet a tea and plan the sowings of these.This is fun.Can't wait for the next round,thanks for doing this Baa.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

they're in the post and should be with you soon John, happy hunting :-)

Thank you Sueone, this one is running through England like a dose of salts ;)

Southmede, when it reaches you could you contact me please we may have a slight problem, I'm waiting on an answer.

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