Wow, did I miss something????

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yes, I know it was windy yesterday, I was sat in the sunlounge listening to it,and the rain was lashing down, BUT,when I walked up my garden today I was amazed by the amount of damage done!!
My tall echium out the front had come down, luckily the opposite way to hubby's car, or he would not have been impressed.Out the back climbers were torn off poles,plants felled. Some castor oil plants, just coming on beautifully, were ripped right out of the ground!A magnificent globe artichoke ,in full flower was just lying accross all my cosmos, which had been crushed!! We've had much worse winds than that before, so why did I suffer so much destruction this time? we didn't have a sneak hurricane or tornado in the night did we? hubby always says that I never keep up with the news,as I don't watch it on t.v. or read the papers.Perhaps I should have been watching the weather forecast instead ! :-)

Sueone it was rotten last night wasn't it! We didn't suffer quite so much damage as you but it certainly put paid to any gardening other than picking up pots.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

that's the really wierd thing Baa, it seems to have been only my garden struck like that !! I can't understand it,you'd think that we'd had a whirlwind in this location
My youngest is off to Kew today with her school, and it's lashing down with rain, blowing a gale, shame they didn't go yesterday! Still I'm sure that they'll enjoy it anyway,lucky them, I've always wanted to go there.I did suggest that she took my secateurs and a few plastic bags,( only joking)Jazzy didn't think too much of that idea! She said she'd buy me a packet of seeds, but I rather suspect that they'll be quite expensive there.

Did your daughter enjoy Kew? (I've never been)

We had our first frost Wednesday night, phew I'm so glad we brought in all the frost tenders last weekend! Dahlia digging up time on Sunday now the foliage is blackened, weather permitting of course!

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

I used to live at Kew Gardens and spent a lot of time, during my first pregnancy, in the actual gardens (free in those days) and continued going regularly, even when we moved to Teddington. I haven't been since I left London in 1973 (went home to North Yorkshire!) but have lovely memories of it - glad to know it's still there and hasn't been built on LOL.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Jazz loved Kew, says that when I'm better she's going to take me.She bought herself some seeds, perhaps she'll be the child of mine that inherits a love of plants !!there's loads of places I plan to visit when I'm up and running again,going to cost hubby a fortune ! LOL.I still haven't moved my stuff in, and apparently tomorrow we're in for some more stormy weather , as if my plants need that!half of them are flat from yesterdays winds. My fremontodendron has come away from the wall a bit, and I'm trying to persuede hubby that it needs tying back before tomorrow,if he doesn't it'll bring down the sky dish, and phone lines !!the fact that he might loose sky might be the deciding factor.;-)I just hope that I don't loose anymore glass in my greenhouse,last yaer we had to replace it about 3 times.


That sounds wonderful living so close! I must make the effort to go there soon.


Sounds like you have a budding gardener there! I hope all your plants are in now.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Fraid not Baa, still outside,and probably will be next month too !! :-)I know I'll get caught out one year.

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