If you had to choose just one...

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I have a partially shaded spot that I'm eyeing for a hydrangea (probably macrophylla, but I'm open to suggestions.) I already have two smallish hydangeas in this bed: one is a no-name mophead (that hasn't bloomed in two years) and one is a gift from Ruby42; alas, I don't know its name either. I'd like to plant a third to create a trio, and some semblance of rhythym and balance in this area.

The soil is not great, and this bed has competition from tree roots. I like mopheads and lacecaps almost equally well, so any suggestions for a cultivar? Or even another species that might complement the plants already there?

I have all winter to decide, and will purchase/order in the spring. Any and all suggestions are VERY welcome :)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Phew - which to choose!!! I want them all. How about Hydrangea mac Pretty Maiden!!

List of suppliers


North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I forgot the smaller version..Hydr. Serrata "Preziosa"...Now this is a beauty!!!!! Elaine

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Elaine Preziosa was always on my list too. A lovely deep pink/red. On my acid soil I bet it would turn to blue though!!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

not if add bonemeal and lots of lime!!!! E.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, amendments to be sure!!

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