Great Seed Site

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I'm preparing a presentation for the local garden club on seed collecting, so I've been on the web getting information. Here's a wonderful site:

And here's another of interest:

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Weez, thanks for the timely sites. Good reading!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks, here's one I use:
They have seed photos of many varieties. I like to print them out and they put a picture of the seed with the seeds I harvest for future reference.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Great site

Thank you


Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Just what I've been looking for, Weez ~ thank you for posting!!!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

haigr: that's a wonderful link...thanks so much for posting it. I'll put it in my favorites!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I really appreciate your links too. I am so stupid when it comes to seeds, just now getting the hang of it. For a long time, I would spread out all the flower parts and then go to the FRSA site and try to match up what I had LOL! Getting much better at it now!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

One of our biggest problems up here is that our season is so short that seeds don't always have an opportunity to mature on the plant. Some plants will mature when picked early and some won't. These sites answer some of those questions for me.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Well, both sites will reduce my frustrating the experts here at DGs. I'm still struggling to get the seeds from my Amaranthus! They have to be in there somewhere, don't they?

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

If the seed is not mature and a frost is eminent, place the stem(s) in water. This will help continue the process of seed development. I read this somewhere.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Golddog, with this process, are the plants still on the vines or off when the stems are in water?

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Morph. The stems are in a vase as a cut flower.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thank you ~ I am going to apply this method to some gourd/luffas that were detached too early. Thus, my confusion. I was thinking of those and not normal flowers :)

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