Snow On The Mountain

Iola, WI

I love this stuff! (sorry, I don't know the scientific name)
A neighbor of mine overheard that I want some & showed up on my doorstep yesterday with a bag-full! I was so excited! The only problem is that I don't want to plant it here. We may be moving within the next month (our first house!!)

For now I've put it in a large pot. I'm thinking that I might be able to put it in the ground in the next few weeks at the new house. Even if it's not exactly where I want it to be will a new tansplant survive the winter? Can I over-winter it in the house and plant it next spring?

I'm at a loss, but I don't want to kill it!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

You mean green & white ground cover stuff? I think it will survive if you dump it upside-down on top of the snow :) Really ... it would probably survive the winter in the pot if you don't get it planted.

Iola, WI

Thanks poppysue!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I think it is called Bishop's weed. Snow on the Mountain is a Euphorbia (sp), I think, and is a generous re-seeder. To the point of driving me crazy. I love the Bishop's Weed. It multiplies, but doesn't get out of bounds if the lawn mower is working properly. Also, if you see it growing with solid green leaves, remove them so you don't lose the variegation.

Iola, WI

The stuff we grow around here is commonly known as Snow On The Mountain. The dogs can run through it in the morning, totally beating it down, and it pops right back up by the afternoon!
Many people plant it around trees, as a border plant or around the edge of the house. If it gets out of hand you can mow right up to it and take out what you need to.

It's REALLY hard to kill! The cuttings I put in a pot are doing well. They haven't drooped at all. If all goes right with the deal we'll be moving in Nov., but I may be able to do some planting before this guy moves out and the papers are signed. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

I can't plant them where we are now. Beside the fact that we are on a complete area of "fill" (asphalt chunks coming up through the ground) I tried digging holes for some bulbs a couple of years ago and couldn't go down more that an inch!! A few actually came up!

I'm not going to sweat it if things don't work out.

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