Oh to be in England (Wales as well) .

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

You lucky islanders! You don't realise what a wonderful part of the world you live in

I'm back from my trip to the UK now and would like to have stayed.
The awful weather I keep hearing about was mild and sunny most of the time. MidWales was absolutely gorgeous and North Yorkshire was its usual beautiful self. Shropshire was leafy and sunny and I noticed most of the gardens were full of lawns and shrubs wth a few flowers. Where are all the vegetable plots!!

The gardens didn't seem much different from here and my sister's vegetable garden (Shropshire) was just as far ahead in the season as mine (mine is usually way ahead of hers). Have you had an exceptionally warm summer of have I had an exceptionally cool one?

The wildlife, particularly in mid-Wales, was wonderful - red kites, kestrels, robins - I saw and heard robins, so nice after these robin-free years out here - rabbits (none here), badgers, wild horses, different river fish and lots of different butterflies. Everything richer, leafier and greener than here.

And I've returned home to WEEDS!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, it's been quite warm. Had a good lot of rain though. My garden is starting to resemble a jungle, got shrubs to cut back in the autumn. North Yorkshire, you can't have been too far from me in Middlesbrough. I'm pleased you enjoyed your holiday.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It's not been the best summer this year, the end of August, till now is probably the best we've had so far! I was sat out the other day and the sun was burning!When we went to Norway in August, they told us that it was the hottest summer that they'd had for years, it was 27 that day,hotter than anything we'd had at home. in fact all we kept hearing about on hols was the dire weather they were having back in England.We haven't had to rain though northener, one day in the last 5 weeks, mind you that was non-stop torrential rain for 24 hors, but now it's all as dry as a bone again!A lot better for collecting in those seeds though :-)they're drying nicely on the plants.Poor you gerddi, it's horrible returning to a weed infested garden, mine looked like a jungle when I got back,just as well that it's the end of the season.hope unis going o.k. northener

We've had a pleasant summer but not overly hot in the main.

I'm glad you enjoyed your visit Gerddi!

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Shame on you, Gerddi

You flew over my paddock, alighted at Luton airport then didn't even flit eight miles down the road to help me weed my paddock!

Oi veh... so what's a few bindweed roots among friends?

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)


I mentioned where we were landing and if you had invited me I would have visited. I think we drove very near you as we went through Ivinghoe and near Aston Clinton (should have gone through it but took a wrong turn) and had lunch at a pub called Travellers Rest, somewhere in your vicinity. At the time I didn't know your real name and couldn't look you up to find out where you were. Now I do know who you are - just wait till we next land, just before lunch, at Luton :-))

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oh gosh, if you ate at The Travellers Rest - take your salmonella pills quickly.

It's just two minutes from my house on a pogo stick, and ten minutes from the Luton & Dunstable Hospital. Which is just as well.

I can publish this freely, knowing that Dave has Professional Indemnity Insurance - to cover the libel claims, now inevitable, from The Travellers Rest.

Seriously, next time you're here, look me up. And I'll acquaint you with a far nicer hostelry... It serves Yeoman's Organic Tomato Soup.


Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)


We had a lovely meal at the Traveller's Rest; we had - fish and chips with peas (which tasted wonderful after a year's abstinence) and good coffee and it was beautifully served in a nice atmosphere and no nasty after-effect. However, we will gladly call in for lunch with you (organic tomato soup) next time we land in Luton :-) Sounds healthier than fish and chips!

It's funny how you crave the things you rarely ate when you lived there - fish and chips, bacon, pies. I normally eat nothing of the sort being a vegetable and fruit and low fat person but when I go to the UK - I put weight on!


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