is it my imagination?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I don't know if it's just because I'm more aware of them after last year , or if there is an increase in the amount of planes,which I take to be military ones flying around recently.
Just as it was getting dark yesterday, you could hear this loud, low drone of some planes approaching, my daughter became quite worried, thought we were under attack, and I must admit ,I was starting to wonder too, as they were LOW !they flew virtually overhead, and it looked as if they were just skimming the tree tops, but that was my over-vivid imagination, I'm sure.And during the day there's been quite a few jets and things flying arouni have to say it spooks me, makes me appreciate what it must have been like during the war, listening for the sound of those engines, waiting to see if it was your turn this time, or some other poor soul.When you look at our history, you begin to realise just how small and vunerable we are as an island.
But on a good note, it's been an absolutely glorious day here today, the sun was burnig, I had to move aout of it at one stage as it was too hot !!!I've been collecting and sorting my seeds, making little envelopes, taking cuttings, sowing seeds, right busy little bee.What's everyone else been up to these last couple of days?
P.S. will put in my link to my seed trade page here too, just in case anyones interested. I can't get this thing right ,oooohhhhhhh! anyway ,check out my trade lists on my page, sorry, I'm a real numpty when it comes to computers.:-)

This message was edited Wednesday, Sep 11th 1:20 PM

This message was edited Wednesday, Sep 11th 1:22 PM

This message was edited Wednesday, Sep 11th 2:31 PM

This message was edited Wednesday, Sep 11th 2:33 PM

Iola, WI
OK, I think I've got it now! I went to your trade list and copied the address from the address bar & pasted it here.

This message was edited Wednesday, Sep 11th 1:42 PM

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

OOOhhhhhhhh, fiddlesticks,blast, ggggggrrrrrrrrrr, why can't I get this hyperlink right?It's probably easier to use shuttlebunny's, thanks shuttlebunny for that. As you can see, I've typed ina few times, and still can't get the right page !I did try copying and pasting, but no luck,think I need to go on a computer course.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)


I was interested in what you wrote about the low-flying. When we lived in Hovingham, in North Yorkshire, I'm sure the RAF used the village as target practice. One day I was in my garden with my 18 month old and a plane flew over really low - I then picked my daughter up to comfort her and discovered what is meant by rigid with fright. If I could have bought an anti-aircraft gun that pilot would be dogmeat!

If it does that to us - what does it do to the wild-life?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

they use valleys as low flying traing, it used to be a standing joke when we went on camping holidays, within 2-3 hours of pitching our tents, down they would come, flying through the valley, it wouldn't be unusual yto be woken with a start at 6 in the morning, I'm sure they used to do it for fun as well !!
I remeber taking my kids when they were little to what was then portland navy days, and a harrier jump jet came to give a display, virtually over head, all 3 kids were screaming hysterically and trying to cling on to me, and I couldn't hear them as it was so noisy. It took me ages to calm them down again !And like you said, goodness knows what it does for the wildlife,

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