Much needed rain

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi and good morning friends. I know that Alan is pretty tied up with company but where on earth are the rest of you! I haven't seen Jo post in quite a while now either. Anyhow, this morning is fresh and new. We had some much needed rain yesterday and last night and I breathed a sigh of relief because the new grass seed has just been sown at the house. I doubt whether the builder would actually make time to water!!! I have 5 roses now (still in pots of course, like everything else) and the Iceberg is looking wonderful as is the Magic Carpet. I have an unknown rose that was labelled Iceberg but Iceberg it is not - but it's a pretty thing. Talking about roses! The fields, hedgerows and woods are full of a beautiful white rose and I mean gorgeous. I think it's the Virginia wild rose and I must do some research on it. So my day will consist of more repotting and planting up the containers which I should have done by now. At least when we move I will have something to brighten up the front porch. If anyone is interested I could post a photo once we move. Must go now, have some breakfast and start my jobs. Have a wonderful day :-)

Hello louisa. thers plenty of rain here if you want some, it is ......... it down at the moment, sun shine and showers, but my garden looks good from it, every thing coming up, but no roses, lol, took a pic of my clematis in flower yesterday, its coverd in flowers, i will post in the summer time, our summer time, well got to go, things to do, and yes out side things, see you later.

lol louisa no not yet but theres plenty of time i live in hope.....

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Cat - we all live in! Alan, can't wait to see your lovely clematis - which one is it?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Louisa! We've got rain here at the moment. I put a lot of plants in at the weekend though. Lots of lavender, rosemary, aubretia and saxifrages two marguerites.
I'm unlikely to do any gardening this weekend as I have exams next week. Computing exams. On Monday it's Spreadsheets, Wednesday Internet and Web Authoring and Thursday finishing ECDL. And when I've finished that lot I can start on my assignment for Fundamentals of Computers and my work for the Desk Top Publishing course.
I'm just back from my Internet exam revision tutorial. I feel very relieved that it looks like I can do most of what's covered in the exam. Of course doing it under the pressure of a time-limit is quite another matter!
The garden's looking quite neat and tidy. Any tips on caring for lavender would be appreciated.
You must be looking forward to finally moving in. Will the climate be suitable for you planting, say this autumn?

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Diane, how nice to hear from you. Gosh, you have been busy - I'm tired just reading your I bought some rosemary last weekend. The upright and a prostrate one. Lavender? When I grew the English lavender I would trim it after the first bloom and it would come back. I never cut into the old wood unless it became really straggly. I also grew the Spanish lavender, Stoechas! Very pretty. No I don't think I will be planting much this Autumn, maybe the shrubs if I can get the soil ready in time. They are outgrowing their pots and I can't find the really large ones. At the moment they are in 5 gallon. The perennials will be OK and I might just concentrate on a nursery bed so to speak and plant them in that until I get the design and layout of the garden worked out. Good luck with your exams. I'm sure you are going to do well. :-)

Louisa, the clematis is Montana Rubins, One of the big ones, even after the very heavy rain fall it has still retained its flowers, looks good, my shady area and bog garen are doing well too.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan, I have this one now after searching high and low for it. I'm pampering it and making sure it does'nt get eaten alive - so many bugs here!!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

And so it continues - the damp I mean. I'm not complaining OK! Actually it's a lovely fresh new morning and we had a rumble of thunder in the night. The rain has stopped and the birds are loving the cooler temps. Should get warmer as we progress through the week. The red cardinals and blue jays are out in force this morning. I never knew the jays could mimic until I realized that no, it was not the phone ringing, but the blue jay. Greedy and aggressive little devils too - but still beautiful. DH has his eyes on a truck with stick shift. I thought everything was automatic over here. Anyway, so I suppose the motor dealer is our first port of call this morning. Hope you all have a wonderful day :-)

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