back to school

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

my children went back to school today. My youngest Simon is starting his first day. I could have cried! He looked so lost. You'd think I was used to it by now wouldnt you?

Thumbnail by psilo
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

hi psilo, yes it's always a big wrench when the youngest goes off to school, it's the end of an era.They look great,did he enjoy his first day?The little lad next door to me declared after his first day that'it was fine, but, he'd been to school now, did he have to go anymore?'

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

thats it they come home all smiles but when they realise they have to go every day the novelty wears off. Still he was very cheerful and willing to say goodbye to me this morning. My oldest son Ben will be off to secondary school soon. wont that be fun!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'm glad he's still enjoying it,there's nothing worse than rying to make them go because they're unhappy.they change a lot then, at secondary school, they know it all, won't be told, won't be seen dead walking with you down the street !But the worst, is when they go off to uni!I can remember so vividly sitting in the car looking behind at my son stood in the middle of the road waving goodbye to us, talk about lump in the throat. It was even worse when my daughter went off too next year, all the way to the uni I had such a pain in my heart, I kept thinking that 'that's it, my family is going,'
I can remember too Mick telling one of the kids off as they said 'they were going back home Sunday' when they were talking about going back to uni.He soon told them 'here is home'!It doesn't matter how old they are,they're still your little kids.

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

sometimes I think it would be very relaxing to grow old. Certainly quieter, but the more I look at them the more I want them to need me. I would hate it if they didnt need me any more.I love my babies even though they arent so small anymore.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

I think the worse for me was when we had just moved here and I stood on Zurich airport roof and saw my daughters plane carrying her to back to the UK to boarding school take off. I t was as though that plane took part of me with it and just stood there in tears.

I t got easier with the second and third for me- Switzerland is a small place so uni is never very far away. My second is currently doing research in Panama; much more drastic than the first leaving for the UK but I was less bothered by her departure; I suppose there have been so many arrivals and departures here since then that I 've got used to it.

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

At least with computers they are never so far away :)

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)


You're right. My daughter in Panama e-mails me, chats with me over the internet and makes internet phone calls - she just doesn't seem as far away as her big sister did when she returned to the UK! That same big sister is now grown up and living in Wales and we e-mail and phone regularly - electronic communications are great!

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I think its great too that way families manage to stay together wherever they are.

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