Propagation: growing lilies from seed

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

is it hard? can you start outdoor after frost in the spring? do tell? i do much better planting outside than in.
anyone have any extra seeds? i'd like to try this.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Most lilies require a period of warm temps ... and this is when they sprout a single root. After this step the need a cool period to simulate winter (12 weeks). When brought back into the warmth they sprout their first leaves. I did some last year. The seeds need to be fresh for good germination. I wish I had some seeds for you but I cut all mine back since the lily beetles have invaded.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

thank you that is terrific information. Do you have any blossoms from these lilies? it is a year and a half later now.
debi z

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