The September RR and EURR

Eugh! This is a tough one.

I've had a couple emails from different people who were originally involved and added to the list for the perpetual EURR started in Easter (thanks guys much appreciate this being brought to my attention). There seems to be some confusion ...

The RR started back in Easter, to resume in September for a seed collecting break, isn't the same one as Lilith's recent RR. What I'd like to know is:

Who is still interested in this particular EURR?

What do you think about postponing this EURR for another month so Lil's can go round, if you still want the original EURR?

Or should the two go round at the same time?

Or Should I just send everything to Lil and start again from there?

Any suggestions (relating to the RR not my sheepskin footwear!*G*) gratefully received!

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

I still don't have many seeds, so I'm easy-peasy, one way or the other, although I could go out and get a bunch of grapes and a melon, then I'd have lots to share *G*

Before the other one from Lilith gets under way, it could be September anyway, and just the time for the original to be going out, so why not just have the one, and save any mux ips ;-)

I wonder who you were prodding by that last remark Baa??


Hi Baa, that's a tough one. Considering how full the envelope was last time, I don't know if combining the two would be feasible. Might have to use a box, LOL. I'm still interested and the only reason I didn't sign up for Lilith's RR is that I was afraid I wouldn't have enough seeds for the perpetual one. If it's all the same people, combining them makes the most sense. On the other hand, if no one minds I say send them around at the same time. As long as one comes to my door and I can get my seed trading fix, I guess it doesn't matter which one it is. *G* Not much help, sorry.

Prod? Me? of course not Wintermoor ;)

Thanks Deblynn and Wintermoor for your comments so far. I'm happy to go with the majority on this :)

You're not kidding about the box Deblynn, I had over 100 packets come back last time around! LOL


Am I already in on this one? Is it the one hosted by deblyn?

If not; I would love to participate in it!


Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

hi Baa,
I'm up for any that's going, so I'll go with the flow, not that that helps you with your dilemma :-)



Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hi Baa and all,
I'm really busy til the last week in september - after Mark goes back home I'm off on a whale watching trip across the Bay of Biscay (hoping for good weather LOL)
So I'd quite like RR in late sept or preferably in october if that suits, but fine if others would prefer it earlier, i'll just duck out.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

well the overriding opinion seems to have two as over 100 packs of seed would be too much.

well.. shall i get mine off asap and then have baa's in october or so?

OK how about this one ... I offer up part of the EURR for Lil's and then list the rest for SASE here (or old stamps for charity for those not in England) on a first come first served basis?

Baa, I think I prefer the idea of having Lilith's RR in September and the perpetual one in October. Call me sentimental but I want to keep the perpetual one going. :-)
A box might be fun though......

Hey arsenic, good to see you here. Baa's EURR is the one I told you about. I'm not organized enough to host an RR.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi Philomel, lucky you ,whale watching,it's good fun. We've just come back off a hol where we sailed through their feeding grounds, and managed to see quite a few, some quite close too.a sight never to be forgotton. hope you see some.

Philomel how about taking some of us with you :D Come to think of it I get sea sick standing in puddles .... hmmm I may take a rain check on that trip (especially in the Bay of Biscay!)

OK the overriding opinion is October, I'll post up again in mid-late September with details.

Thanks everyone for all your help, it's much appreciated!

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)


Count me in! (As the tortoise said, after the race was half over.)

I will shortly have more rare heirloom seeds - beans, peas and tomatoes (especially tomatoes) than I can give away. But I'm very picky.

I _won't_ trade a dozen packs of choice heirloom seeds, lovingly grown with unspeakable cost and labour, for a few half-used packets of supermarket Boltardy Beetroot! Would you?

That said, do I still have time? Then I'll jump up on the cart.



You're still on the list.

I did put in several heirloom veg, some of those from HDRA but they must have all gone when the package reached you. I can't speak for others and what heirlooms they might have put in. But on saying that I agree, the exchange is like for like where possible, if someone takes out a common veg like Carrot Chantry Red Core then a similar packet is all that is expected. I've no control on the content once it's left here.


This one isn't going out until mid October Arsenic.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)


Count me in for October - I've only just got back from holiday so missed your query. October is much better for me as I haven't collected all my seeds yet.

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