rose of sharon?

Homer, NY

my rose of sharon bush is growing from the bottom more than on the branches this is the second summer,it bloomed great last year, no flowers this year. any sugestions would be great should I cut it all back to ground level? it's about two ft tall

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

i would wait until spring and then cut it back toa bout a foot high. fertillize and kep watered well.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

the question is... do u feed this plant? how often? last spring, i sprinkled supersphosphate on the ground where the rose of sharon is growing. once a week, i foliar feed with MG 15-30-15. i never prune! this year i had so much bloom from the 5' tall RS. last year, i keep foliar feeding till almost Fall. i have mine planted on the ground for 3 yrs. now. plants need to be feed in order to perform well.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

I haven't pruned my two in the 5 years I've had them. They are 10 ft. tall, and full of blooms. Every year, they get better and better. Maybe the temperatur fluctuations y'all have been having up north have caused some stress to your plant.


"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Is it only 2 feet tall because you pruned it? Maybe the timing was such that the flower buds were removed. They do bloom on new wood. One of mine is just starting to come into bud now here in NJ, maybe yours will still bloom, not sure how far north you are in NY (zone?) John

Homer, NY

thanks for the replys, no I have never pruned this bush it was this tall when purchased. I have been feeding it MG and the leaves on the bottom are just as green, the ones on the branches are falling off no new growth there. I did pull all of the new leaves off the bottom, thinking they were suckers and they came back bigger and fuller so I'm leaving them my zone is 4 thanks again

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