autumn is on the way - part 2

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

heard a robin 'ticking' in the garden.

they only do this when the end of summer moult is finished and winter territories on high on there must do list. soon they will be singing to tell others to keep out. at this time of year both sexes sing.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yeah, I noticed the other morning that it was that type of cool that yopu get at the end of the year,and, not being too well up on birdcalls, that there were different songs in the air that I always associate with autumn. My Mum always used to say that when we had carnival week (this week)that it signalled the end of summer.
I don't like this time of year, when it all starts to shut down, and nights draw in,i find it quite sad, once autumn is here properly, then I'm fine. It''s just the bit in between, don't know why, I always felt that way.
In the winter, I love to sit in front of a fire with the seed books, sorting out what I'll do nexy year, then in winter, waiting for the first signs of spring.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

A robin was ticking in the woods this morning when i was dormousing - and the blackberries are very ripe. I tried not to eat too many (blackberries that is, I didn't eat any dormice or robins)

Yes sue, it is an inbetween time. I love it when we get to October and the colours are so glowing - not just leaves, but the sky, and the contrast with woodsmoke when the woodsmen are busy. But at the moment it's not summer and it's not autumn

Birmingham, United Kingdom

I feel the same as Sueone, I feel sad as Summer ends because its so long till next year, I get a bit depressed's hard to explain.I suppose most people start to look forward to Christmas, but I dont particularly enjoy it.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

It's that between time - too early for autumn jobs but no longer really summer. I enjoy the sun when it's there, knowing it's about to reduce to distant pale speck in the sky

There are no robins here in the alps (at least, I''ve never seen one) but I will now be looking out for the swallows lining up along the telephone wires - my sign that summer's over!

The day they are no longer there, gone on their long journey south, I feel sad but then it's time for storing winter vegetables, clearing the garden before the snow, protecting the winter crops, making chutney, bottling autumn fruit, then it's the winter solstice and the days start getting longer (yippee), then preparing for Christmas (which I like) and getting back to my weaving in the cold weather; then it's garden planning and seed catalogue reading time and before I know it the first seeds (tomatoes, chillies and some flowers) need to be sown indoors and then suddenly everything is beginning to grow again. Magic!

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