
Well this week seems to have flown by, been a good productive week with nice weather for a change, let the good times roll, see you all soon.

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Hello Patty how are you, been a long time, why dont you shut down your fire wall for a bit and go to the chat room, we have missed talking with you, how is the desighn for you new garden look coming on ?, have you made any start yet.

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Patty and Alan. It's all sounding kind of very productive for you two. Glad that you had such a great week Alan and your hanging baskets and window boxes are going to look wonderful Patty I just know it. As for me, the days are ticking by and all I can do is just wait and watch the plants as usual :-) The weigelia is flowering right now as are the spireas - the goldflame looks particularly wonderful. Clematis are growing leaps and bounds and my montana has actually rejuvenated itself and it looks pretty hopeful. Hostas are enormous, perennials getting ready to bloom and Iceberg rose full of buds. We had a nice storm last night which cooled things down a bit so from the upper 80s we are down to the 60s today but it's so fresh and springlike again. Back in the 70s next week - the best temps ever for me. Hope the extended weekend is going really well for all of you in the UK and looking forward to hearing what you all got up to.

well my solomons seal that i had grave doubts about has reappeared yaay !
but the lily of the valley that i planted fresh 2nd year in a row has not
pansies and tulips looking really cool
houseplants still alive lol
irises beginning to bloom
ok enuff gardening off to chat
oh and i mowed
louisa you were right i hang my head in shame

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Just missed you Cat!! Went to chat but it was empty. Ready for a late lunch now, so will catch you later!! BTW Why are you hanging your head in shame - I can't

louisa i aint gonna remind you lollol
catch you later i hope
alan glad you had a good week
mine was a bit funny imroved saturday night tho

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Evening / Afternoon all, sun has shone most of the day with blue sky. I was told today that next week is SUPOSED to be hot all week....well 17degrees (thats hot for us Brits').

Gosh my computer is slow here tonight!

Just thought i'd say hi, before i toddle off to bed. Had quite a productive evening in the garden, Painted two patio slabs outside the back door blue. Planted out my Nigella seedlings and cleared up the patio.

Bye for now

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