Welcome Lvgoofy!!

Crossville, TN

Since TNmom's computer is still down I am posting a welcome to her friend, Lvgoofy. I met her while I was in Crossville the other day (number 51!)and she has some neat stuff to share with us. I'm sure she'll post some pictures in the near future. Lvgoofy, you will love it here and we are glad to have you in our "family". Jo and Donna

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Lvgoofy - love the name!! Welcome to DG!! Happy to have you join us!!

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Welcome Lvgoofy! Jo, are all your friends gonna have cartoon names........LOL!!


Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Well a big welcome from Ky. Can't wait to see some pic's of your garden.

Crossville, TN(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the welcome! I'm just back from vacation and have lots of catching up to do but as soon as I'm able, I'll provide everyone some info about me and some pics of my pond and "hobby"...

Crossville, TN

Great lvgoofy...now I remember you were going on a trip!! I look forward to your pictures...and I've already called my bowling alley to save me old bowling balls they would throw away...they agreed to do so. Jo

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Welcome to Dave's Garden lvgoofy! I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Welcome and feel at home. Join right in!

Crossville, TN(Zone 6a)

Thanks again for the warm welcome.

I'm Terrie and I'm originally from the Allentown/Bethlehem PA area. Hubby and I "retired" from Bell Atlantic and the USPS and relocated to Crossville, TN almost 3 years ago... his new "job" is golf and mine is a little bit of everything!!!

We have both become avid "ponders" - we started with a very small preformed pond (100 gallons) 4 years ago back in PA and had about 8 fish... today, we have a 1,000 gallon pond that hubby dug out all by his lonesome (36" deep) and 18 fish (koi, comets, shabunkins and goldfish) who have had about 3 sets of babies this year. Hopefully, my first attempt at pictures on this site will be successful and you'll all get to see our pride and joy... with more to follow, I'm sure!

I look forward to my association with all of you...

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

sure wish we'd gotten to meet you when we were all there!!! I love your pond, I saw that post first. welcome to DG

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9a)

Lvgoofy, gotta love that nick! Welcome to Dave's, :-) I'm sure you will find the folks here as friendly and helpful as any you would ever want to meet. This site is the greatest!


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