Back inside from the sun (temporarily)

What a beautiful day ! Like yesterday the sun's out and making all the plants stretch and sigh with delight, it's about 65 f in the garden and feels warmer when out of the slight breeze we have.

I tried to post yesterday but after I'd prepared the most interesting, gossipy, informative and amazing entry EVER in the history of computing over about 4 hours of solid typing the stupid thing crashed and I lost the lot. Needless to say I didn't try again thanks to having to go out - the stupid laws in this country won't let you ignore/not collect/forget your children just because it's sunny at last ! I mean , for heaven's sake, who wrote these laws ??

Anyway, my plants are all going crazy, I just found my Gentian's in bloom, one of my favourites that one, the garden's full of colour and the fields in the distance are now green instead of brown (apart from the rape crop fields which are neon yellow as always), summer birds are arriving at last - I actually heard my first cuckoo on Mayday, very late for here - and I'm dreaming of the first BBQ party. One of the things I was going to ask was for a theme for my BBQ, any ideas you guys ?

The forecast is actually pretty good and I just heard on the local news that a major wildlife reserve not too far from here has reopened today (following the F & M crisis) so we're thinking of going away for this Bank Holiday weekend with binoculars et al : any of you familiar with Flamborough and Bempton ? It's gorgeous there and you can get sooooo close to puffins and gannets it's great ! My dog loves the sea and it's hard to get him out of the water, lucky we don't have a shark problem in the UK (!!).

So I'm off to do the usual troll around to see what's what, catch you all later, have a lovely day and don't forget the sunblock !!



Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

oh jo! you always manage to make me smile! Thanks! I have to go to a funural today...and it has gotten the best of me. A young friend of mine was killed in a car accident. It is going to take everything i have to be there. I am so heartbroken over it.
On the up side, it is a nice day here today. Yesterday in the direct sun my temp. gauge topped out at a little over 100*, wow, summer is here! Sending it across the big pond....Alan it is heading your way :) Lisa

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Sun what sun, so thats where it went, you got it, gis it back we had it first.

No, shan't, I'm keeping it, I look better in a swimsuit than you do anyway !!! Nah nah nana Naah !!

Patty , thank you for the imagery, I shall never look at rape crops again in the same way... I'll wait for some other suggestions before I reveal the rather dull reality of their identity.

Lisa : nothing I can say, be strong, have faith and as always if you need to talk you can ALWAYS email me privately, that's what friends are for after all.

Big big big hugs to you.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi everybody! Another wonderful morning, especially after reading my lovely card from Lisa. As unselfish as always Lisa, you thought of me and the loss of my precious Aunt Louise and here you are facing a sad day yourself. My thoughts are with you. (((Lisa))). Jo, I used to live in Bridlington by the sea in the year dot and my son was born in Driffield. What wonderful days those were! You have a knack of reminding me how the countryside looks back home. Rape fields, dull!!!! Not in my book - those brilliant yellow stretches which looked even more incredible from the air. I feel homesick this morning!! Patty you are allowed to make your own rules ya know! Hope your day is productive and filled with every blessing. Alan, missed you yesterday. I didn't go on the chat for very long - didn't feel very chatty. Mary - if you are there, I had more ideas about your hedge! Have a great day friends :-)

Hi Louisa, I didn't mean they were dull, I was rather saying the reality of rape fields was dull compared to the lovely images I'd got from Patty and her Luaus or dress themed parties....

Anyway, I promise to take photo's this summer and post them as I go around Brid and the coast - any particular areas you want piccies of ?

Gotta go now, it's kicking out of school time.

Bi all


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

lol Jo, knew what you meant! Lovely idea of yours to take lots of wonderful pics - loved the beaches and rocky cliffs. No, nothing in particular, just all of! Want me to send you some film?? Enjoy the rest of your day!

Ive just come in and had a lovely shower.
Been out in the cloudy day working on making a small waterfall, its now raining 1500 local time,
You do make us jelous with your weather reports.
but it will get here soon IT must.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

tinklebell - love the idea of your waterfall - always wanted one. Yes, you're right, the summer will appear for you, never fear. Usually hot around Wimbledon as I recall!

Not much activity in an oil seed rape field, apart from noses and eyes running. Unless of course you are into full face masks!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well we had a hot sunny day yesterday, today it has been warm again about 16-17c but only hazy sun but it is still lovely to take off the winter woolies-sick of having polo neck sweaters on, its going to be okay for the next few days too, but just wait til sat and the weather will change cos next monday its our day off for May Day and lots of places are opening at last so want to get walking somewhere.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Shiela I know what you mean about the winter woolies. I really hate them and heavy, sensible shoes. Give me a light summer dress, a pair of shorts and T, and sandals. If I could walk about bare footed I would. Never wear anything on my feet in the house during the summer. Keeping my fingers crossed so that you all have a decent bank holiday!

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