Today is the first of may, i checked

Hello All,
not such a nice day here today, but dry, have a nice day everyone, see ya later.

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Alan - the sun will be back :-). Patty, thanks for reminding me how pretty awful moving can I've already done it 3 times since arriving in the US. Can't wait to get the animals and plants shifted!! I would imagine that it is going to be some time before the plants are in the ground but no matter, I shall keep repotting them!! We have a lovely warm day here not as uncomfortable as your weather yet, but it will come I have no doubt! Maybe it will hold off until I move. I too cook in the early hours of the day during Summer, it's the only way! Hope you and everyone else are having a great day!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well i aint bragging but here in the NW of England, it has been a beautiful day, wall to wall sun all day, no clouds, no rain, and it says it is going to be like that here all week, but the north and south of Britain the weather aint so good i believe, but no way no way am i going to feel sorry enough to part with the sun, its ours for the week.

lol sheila it must be refracting off the pennines or something lovely sun here too but windy mowed my moss and edged it deadheaded daffs

Ribbitcat - when you say mowed the moss, are you implying you have a lot of moss in your lawn? I think I have only about 10% grass in mine. I always seem to get the timing wrong - wait until it's dry enough to cut, but then it rains, and it grows, and it's too long and wet to cut .... but the dandelions won't wait, so I've deadheaded the dandelions.

Kittanning, PA

Sorry I missed you last nite... didn't make it to chat as early as i had expected. Mebbe i will catch you here in a bit.
Take Care,

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

it reached 18C here in N Ireland


mary i didnt imply i stated
i have no lawn
i have moss
its the latest trendy thing
more springy better colour green easier to mow

I know it's trendy - I'd be happy to have JUST moss. It's the only plant in my 'lawn' I like.

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