Monday 16th April

Morning All, it another glouriouse morning here in the fens, clear sky and sunshine, thank lisa, lol, is this keeps up i will be spoilt be all this sun, but, this is England, so i wont last long, just make the most of it while its here, have good morning, see you all later.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

morning alan n everyone,
Its a beautiful a.m. here also. The high is suppose to be 78 today. Im up early so i get outside earlier. Im a lil sore after a day of tilling by hand yesterday.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Good morning one and all, it's beautiful outside - I got up EARLY (!!) today and went across the fields through a light frost and watched the sun burning the white from the new growth as my dog and I tried to catch partridges - they're a bit too quick for us tho'so it's burgers for lunch after all !! :)

Diane, I don't know what to say - I think burglars should be emasculated, painfully, have you any electric hedge trimmers ? I imagine that would do it quite well...I would imagine the best thing for you would be some kind of movement sensor connected to a bell, they're not so expensive nowadays. On my shed I've got one of those personal attack alarms taped to the wall, the type that makes a heck of a noise if the cord is pulled out of it, and I replaced the cord with fishing line (almost invisible) and have it hooked to the door so it's a cheap and noisy burglar alarm - perhaps you could do that with trip wires to make it go off ? I got my alarms for £2 each from a cheapo shop in Rotherham when I was visiting last year but I've seen them elsewhere since for less than a fiver. Anyway, it's great to hear from you again, welcome back and I hope your computer, windows, fences and burglar problems are now officially all in the past. Crikey, have you gone through the mill or what ??

Alan, keep your chin up, I watched the forecast and although the south is going to cop bad weather this week I think you're in the area above the bad weather (like us in Yorkshire) so should get nice weather for most of the week. Fingers crossed xx

Hope everyone else is well and enjoying their gardens as much as I am at the moment - I got the patio table out of storage this morning and will be attacking the BBQ pit today/tomorrow - REALLY looking forward to having the first proper outside party of the year - I was thinking of theming it, anyone got any good suggestions for a fun theme ?

OK, I don't want you guys to start moaning about the length of my entries again so I'm off for the mo , love & hugs to everyone.


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Well, I knew we had a time difference, but i never knew we had a date difference....LOL (april 16th?) Today I am going to talk to a group of ladies about gardening...this should be good because I don't know if any of these ladies have ever had mud under their finger nails. So I guess I'll remedy that! I am bringing a bag of soil and some tomato plants and they will plant some in containers to take home. This should be interesting. In the mean time I am not prepared for an hour long speech on gardening, so I guess I'll wing it..ha! Alan, glad to help out with the weather! Jo, I agree with you on the hedgers...Diane, you can borrow mine :) if you don't have one! Dori, I am glad to hear you are thawing out up there...have a great day all! Lisa

Crikey, I never even noticed we'd gone back in time ! No wonder the weather's changed so radically.

Lisa, how can you keep the talk DOWN to a mere hour ?? Hope you enjoy it as much as I think you will, let us know about how it went later ok?


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Morning friends - another gorgeous one. Glad to hear the sun's shining Alan!! Jo, if the partridges are too quick for you come over here and try the ground hogs!! They are so sweet! I saw my first one yesterday, sitting up on it's hind legs watching the traffic go by! No doubt our friends here will have a different opinion about these little critters! Dori - you take it easy today OK - you have been working much too hard. Just lie back in the hay and watch the world go by. Lisa, enjoy your meeting with your ladies - I'm sure by the end of the day they will have muck under their finger nails. Patty and all of you, have a great day.

Its my head, still back a week last tuesday, must be the sunshine, fried my memory cells, i am sure i was typing 30th, ah well its a nice anyway who cares what the date is, see you later, i have a letter to write to a dear friend of mine, if my email account comes back on line soon, see ya all later, or yesterday even, or was it tomorrow, hmmn, :).

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