Belladonna Lily (Amaryllis belladonna)

Oak View, CA

August, 2009 belladonnas.

Thumbnail by Opoetree
Oak View, CA

Naked Ladies under Live Oaks -- August, 2009.

Thumbnail by Opoetree
Oak View, CA

Saw the first 'clothes' reappear today...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Oak View, CA

Belladonnas with clothes ON...

Late full leaf...sans blooms...

Thumbnail by Opoetree
Oak View, CA


Belladonnas with clothes ON...

Late full leaf...sans blooms...

Thumbnail by Opoetree
Oak View, CA


Belladonnas with clothes ON...

Late full leaf...sans blooms...

Thumbnail by Opoetree
Oak View, CA

Hurrah! First sighting of the ladies for the summer of 2010! Southern California has had cooler weather than normal. Can't wait to see if there are more 'ladies' than last year! They arrived a week sooner than last year.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Gee is it that time again? I dug all mine out, they are gone. I am going to buy hybrids with great colors to replace them. I can't wait!

Oak View, CA

Latest count -- August 29, 2010 -- 70 naked ladies!

Oak View, CA

First sighting of new leaves -- November 7, 2010

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

This year I bought quite a few brightly colored ones and even some white ones. Some are bi-colored. Some almost red. I am in love! LOL

Lakeview, OH

I am so glad there is a thread for Naked Ladies, last year was the first year I planted them, the only thing I know about them is that you don't do anything to them, I like the sound of that. Is everyone of these stems going to be a plant? If so, I am going to have a lot of them, I don't know what color they are going to be so that will be a big surprise.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Oak View, CA

1st sighting same day as last year -- July 21 (yesterday...saw another one this morning).

It is almost COLD today. Our weather has certainly changed.

Oak View, CA

August 13, 2011 -- passed last year's total by one so far -- counted 71 naked ladies today.

Weather continues to be unseasonably cool -- grateful for that -- but sorry that other parts of the country are experiencing dreadful and prolonged heat.

Oak View, CA

Again surpassed the previous year's total -- today's count was 82 naked ladies -- August 28, 2011.

Lakeview, OH

I am back, lost this link so have been gone for quite awhile. I have been trying to grow Naked Ladies inside this winter, I have gotten one to grow leaves, and they are over 12 inches tall. I have also gotten one that has greenery at the neck, it is potted up and next to the one that is growing, I also have a Morning Glory plant that I am trying to get to bloom this winter, was going to try to put it in the window but don't have enough room without gettting too close to the glass and burning the leaves. The first picture is the leaves, and the second is the Morning Glory plant. Someone told me that I may have flowers either in February or March, was hoping sooner but you can't rush mother nature.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Here is the Morning Glory plant, I know that they grow in the summer, but I thought that I would try to grow them in the house during the winter, got to keep remembering that they need lots of water. Do you think they will bloom in the house this winter?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Oak View, CA

Have never grown morning glories indoors --

could check this site:

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

I have 'Naked Ladies' package was marked Lycoris Pink, so are they actually Amaryllis Belladonna?

Oak View, CA

I think the lycoris is different -- but may look somewhat alike.

See this page of Dave's Garden:

Oak View, CA

The naked ladies' leaves have dried -- NOW,
waiting for the arrival of the ladies of 2012!

Thumbnail by Opoetree
Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

mee too

Oak View, CA

Well -- not sure the actual date this year of the first emergence...
but yesterday (July 11) I already saw 6 naked ladies! They
caught me this year...popping up unnoticed -- somewhat early
this year. This arrival is several weeks earlier than before.
Wonder how many blooms we'll get this year!

Oak View, CA

Decline in amount of Naked Lady blooms this year -- August 26, 2012.
There were so many leaves, but there was a table standing on and near
their area for parts of the winter -- so maybe that is why only 56 blooms
appeared. Last year there were 82. It was an odd year, with the first
blooms arriving very, very early and then many not appearing at all.
Somewhat strange!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Is that 56 stems or 56 florets? 56 stems would be quite the show!

I gave away of all my regular A. belladonnas and replaced them with the more colorful hybrids. So many picotees and all shades of pink to white to almost red are now available.

Thumbnail by Kell Thumbnail by Kell Thumbnail by Kell Thumbnail by Kell
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Kell - you've really got a winner there. This thread of yours is now 10 years old! Fantastic photos.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Gosh, 10 years? Amazing. Do you have these bulbs where you are?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I don't grow them but I did send them to a Long Island friend who does grow them.

Oak View, CA

I had 56 stems -- and had 82 last, was hoping for over 100...think the table cast a shadow and limited them.
Since they were just here...and we never planted them, we are going to leave them. This is their homeland!

Oak View, CA

As in 2009 -- first sighting of leaves on November 1, 2012.

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