
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I had unwelcome visiters during the Bank Holidays. Burglars!! I was out gardening in my front garden. And these cheeky so-and-so's actually burgled my house through the back garden. Now I've put my backdoor key on a length of string, and this goes round my neck whenever I'm out in the garden. And I take what I need from the garage and lock that as well. One of my neighbours had had his car broken into a few days previously and another neighbour has seen people using drugs behind the shopping centre just round the corner from me.
The thieves didin't only steal money, they also took the cards that I use for accessing the computer labs so i had to ask my lecturers for extensions for a couiple of assignments as I couldn't get in to work on them.
So when you're out in the garden lock every single door even if you have to do like me and tie your key on a string.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

oh Diane not again,are you in a high crime area or what-is it because of these shops cos they do seem to congregate around shops-what about a dog they would either bark or go into the house if someone came in while you were outside. Nice to see you back thought you might have popped onto the chat last night.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hiya Sheila!!! It's great to be back tho I haven't been able to get into the chatroom yet. Maybe my browser settings aren't right???
There was a conference here about drugs a few days ago. We now appear to be a high crime area for drugs and we've got daft people trying to decriminalize it. I think it's these shops, particularly the fast food shops, that's attracting them. I've told the police this area is bad for crime but they say it's the same as everywhere else. Being a single woman doesn't help. We're easy targets. I don't need a dog I need a husband - or at least a man!!!! Perhaps I'd better get out my leather outfits and practice my Avengers kicks. And that stupid Tony Blair wanting to give vouchers for trainers... He'd better not come round after my vote!!!!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Quite near me, but a safe distance away they wanted to open a McDonalds,but it been chucked out by the council, who likes their food anyhow, the best fast food is chips and fish-good British food.

You may not be able to get on the chat because you have a firewall-go to Daves computer page and send him a letter and he will help you out, cos we are looking forward to you coming to chat with us, although not been on most of the week until last night. This place is much friendlier and warmer than the other side.

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Diane, I am so sorry for all the rotten luck.... I hope they can catch the low lifes...Lisa

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you everyone. I was really quite shocked by this and it's taking a bit of getting used to thinking of my area as a drugs area. This used to be a nice suburb, quite posh. The police actually had someone in custody but they hadn't enough evidence so had to let him go. I went into the Uni yesterday and caught up on one of my assignments and will do the same next weekend. Couldn't use the labs cos my cards had been nicked.
Thanks for the offer of a fella Patty. I'm foot-loose and fancy-free at the moment!!! I hope he likes gardening!!!

Camden, NJ

Get your self-a dog. Not a big dog a small one like a Chihuahua or a Dachshund. They are really the most vicious. They go straight for the ankles and bark the loudest. Have you ever seen a burglar running away after a small dog has chewed off his foot? Above all be careful...keep an eye out and report anything you see out the ordinary to the police.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Diane, so sorry to hear about your awful experience. I hope they catch that rotten devil!!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Diane, What a horrible experience! Your neighbors didn't notice anything or anyone wandering around in the area? Doris

Cedar Rapids, IA

What a terrible thing to have happen. Seems to be extra nasty because you were still in the same yard. Be careful and keep your eyes peeled at all times.

I had problems getting into chat while using Netscape as my browser. Try using Internet Explorer as your browser and see if that takes care of the problem.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thanks everyone. I was in the front garden. It was my neighbours who realised I was being burgled. It was a Bank Holiday and sunny and we had a lot of youths etc around on their bikes. The burglar just took a chance and got away with it. I'm out at a lot of courses at the Uni - I like dogs - but I don't think it's kind to keep a dog shut up for long hours. Maybe I should buy myself a crocodile or a cobra or build a pond and stock it with piranha. My suburb really does seem to be a bad area now.
I've tried both Netscape and Internet Explorer but can't get through to the chat room. I'll contact Dave at the weekend if I still can't get through.

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