Saturday beautiful Saturday

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning friends. I feel like standing outside and shouting at the top of my lungs "Hello Summer"! I did walk around at least one of the 4 acres here at the rented house, said hello to the animals and birds and not forgetting my plants - always greet them with "hello my beauties, only --- days to go"! Today it was 28 days!! It's a glorious morning, the red cardinals are out in full force, the blue jays are fighting fit (greedy devils). I have seen many robins - gosh they're huge in the US - not like our little round things back home! The sun is filtering through the dogwoods as I type - what an incredible picture!! The temps are going to be around 75ish thank goodness, which means that the cherries, redbuds, dogwoods etc will last that much longer before the real heat sets in. There is an interesting tree in the garden here that looks quite wonderful. At the moment it is displaying little hanging clusters of buds - can't wait to see what emerges. We are going to have a lazy day and just fiddle around, then go for a nice long walk and then visit the grounds of the University of Virginia in the city. Tomorrow we go and look at the house as the kitchen cabinets should all be installed by now, maybe the vanities in the bathrooms too. Best of all I will walk through our woods and hopefully find some unexpected surprises - trilliums maybe? I don't suppose many of you will be posting today - too nice to be in and it is Saturday. However, might link up with you tonight in the meantime I hope you all have a wonderful day.......:-)

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Ahhh Louisa, i do know what you mean! A lovely day here today too! I will be gone most of the day today....AGAIN! I just want to stay home! Hope ya'll have a great day and I'll catch up this afternoon!!! Hugs, Lisa

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Patty, How nice to hear from you. Wondered where you were!! Don't worry about the housework, it can always wait, but gardening waits for no man. Don't know what's happened to Alan - no doubt he will show up soon. Catch you later!!

Olympia, WA

oh my louisa
has it been spastic today
sunny morning
cloudy skies

it's so schizophrentic.
oh i'm so excited for you. have you started moving plants yet?

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Louisa, sorry you had to leave the chat room in a hurry, see you again soon, missed you.

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