Its friday again

Time seems to fly by, here we are again, its been sunny this morning, dull again at the moment but dry, the sunshine of the last couple of days has managed to bring a few trees in life, the blossom on the pear tree has opened, the the leaves on my Japaneses maples are opening too, the garden is really starting to come to life again now, just wish my grass wasnt so [profanity removed]ed long, if it stay dry another hour or two i will have a go at it, just did a bit more to my pergola, thats nearly finished now, sees ya later.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Happy Friday ya'll, i am off on a road trip is a pretty day today, high should be in the 80's. I will catch up this afternoon with you guys. Ribbit, i miss you! i hope to catch up with you in the chat room. Trina, how is your head this morning...hehehe! Spikey any jokes today??? See ya'll, Lisa

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Morning friends from sunny Virginia. Gorgeous morning!! Sorry to rub it in Alan :-) Don't mean to! About two weeks ago we were driving past a neighbour's lake and there was one Canadadian goose walking around looking lonely. I felt so sorry for him, thinking he might have got separated from his mates. Yesterday, to our delight, there appeared another one and lo and behold, her babies. My heart did a flip. Isn't life wonderful!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

morning all,
today is shaping up nicely-wish i dint have so muchinside things to do today. The high is said to reach not warm till we hit 73. The wind is going to be off the bay again-so it will be a lil chilly.
I tilled some in the garden yesterday till the rain chased me out!=[
I hope everyone has a great day n god watch over Lisa on her trip and let her return home safely...and my passionflower shes getting me! thanks lisa
take care everyone,

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hello all, I think I have just about recovered from the affects of last night!

The weather has been glorious today. I recieved 2 packages today, brimming with gifts. So i've been busy planting them all. Do hollyhocks flower in their first year from seed?

Oh well, still an hour or two of daylight still to enjoy
Bye for now

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Daisy, glad you are feeling much brighter today and that the weather has picked up. I have some hollyhock plants and they are about to flower - it is their second year. Hi Dori, glad you have had such a productive day - I feel the same way, been out tending to 'my babies' as usual and repotting the pot-bound!! Yes, had mail from Lisa and she is on the road - I'm sure she has the greatest of fun!! Passionflower eh! Nice going! I'm relying on Tim for one in exchange for a hydrangea. Received my co-op hardy geraniums from Ladygreenthumbs today and they are nicely tucked away in the new home. She also sent me some friendship seeds and a lovely poem. Lovely lady!! Hope to catch you all later - have an appointment with the lawyer - re the new house. Bye all - take care and be kind to each other!!!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Louisa! Hello everyone!! I'm back online. I've missed you all.
I've been busy planting perennials - lots - over the holidays. At the moment they just look sad - little plants surrounded by soil. Also put in hardy annuals. Also got myself a strawberry planter. And yes, one or two of my strawberries are in flower. My daffies are starting to go back now but my tulips are in flower now.
Now what's this about a chatroom??? Looks like I've been missing something... Bye for now!!!!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Oh Diane! I am so glad to see you back!!!! I've missed are you??? Can't wait to catch up with you! Lisa

Hey Diane, welcome back, where you been ?.

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Hi Patty where you been all day, we missed you.

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