Thursday 26th April

Well its 8.45am here, the sun is shining , blues skies and light breeze, makes a change, off out again now, enjoy your morning, see you all later, have a nice day.

Hell's teeth, you're up and about early Alan ! The sun WAS shining here but the clouds have arrived, the temp has plummeted and rain's starting - why am I not surprised ? Was bord last night so I attacked the wine rack and now wish I adn't 'cos I have to out and work this pm - a few hours' supply - and it feels as tho' a lot of coffee and orange juice is called for. Will I never learn ? Naaaah, 'course I won't.

Heard a great joke last night, one to add to the collection we were making.

A couple were deciding how to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary : the wife suddenly had an idea.
"Wouldn't it be nice to recreate our very first date" , she said.
Hubbie agreed and, come the day of the anniversary, they set off, first to the cinema where they sat holding hands through a Humphrey Bogart retrospective, then on to a restaurant where they enjoyed a very good steak dinner with fine wine, and then for a drive in the country beneath a glorious full moon.
The husband eventually stopped the car and pointed out that where they'd stopped was exactly the spot where they had stopped for a kiss and a cuddle all those years before. Feeling ever so romantic they got out of the car and settled themselves in the very hedgerow where they had canoodled before and the wife was amazed to find that her husband was more full of energy and vigour than she had ever known him. Throwing all caution to the winds she allowed him to travel further along the road of passion than she ever did on their first date and literally had the most amazing time of their entire marriage.

Eventually, she drew back, looked at her husband and said :

"That was wonderful darling. But why weren't you that passionate on the night of our first date ? I'd have married you much sooner if you had been"

The reply :

"Well, when we first came here the farmer hadn't fitted an electric fence !"


Gotta zoom - catch you later


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Ahhh, spiky jo, thanks for the laugh! How is everyone today? I sure hope I have a better day today. My puter was on the blink and I couldn't use it. Blasted least the day was beautiful and I got to play outside! Wishing you all a great day, hope to catch up my computer lets me that is...see ya, Lisa

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

ROFL - That's the way to brighten my Who needs sunshine when we have our very own Jo!!! The weather is always such a topic isn't it; something that readily comes to everyone's lips when the conversation lags! Nice to hear you are out in the garden Alan - does a body and soul good to feel the warmth once more after the long winter. My hanging baskets used to go out end of May and that was when I was almost sure we were frost free at night. However there were occasions when Jack did make an unexpected visit! Out temps went right down last night and had to turn on the heat this morning. I won't, can't take a shower in frigid temps. Hardly makes sense really, in the 90s one week and down we go again. Come tomorrow back up in the 80s. Saw the flooding in Pleasant Valley, Iowa, on TV this morning. Homes almost submerged to the roof line. But these folks want to live on the mighty and wondrous Mississippi floods or no floods. Love of the river, or plain daft! I don't know. They want to stay there so it must be love and still they call it Pleasant Valley. You just have to admire them. Well must dash for now and help DH prepare salad for the soup kitchen - it is Thursday! Have a wonderful day friends and catch you all later :-)

Jo, you really are a very funny girl, well done good one, and yep its rained here too, but the suns out again now, louisa, i wasnt in the garden this morning, just out in town, but when i got back i had a walk down to the greenhouse, i have been invaded again, five fledgling Blackbirds in the garden, clumbsy and noisy, they will be fun for a week or two, i am glad they come before i put the plants out though, i get the blackies most years, hope they keep coming to, have plans for this afternoon, going prick out seedlings in the greenhouse, should be nice in there today.
Hello Lisa, i hope you dont end up off line again, we missed you last time, give it a telling off, threaten it might work, lol, see you all later.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

jo thanks for the laugh.
hope everyone is having a great day and getting out in their gardens-where im heading soon.
the high should be 65-still chilly for me. Hooded sweatshirts n long johns! I saw the neighbor chuckle at me mowing last night in my gloves, earmuffs, 4 shirts actually-2 of those sweatshirts and a winter jacket!! it was in the high 50s! im a chillywilly all the time!
everyone have a warm n happy day,

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Jo, thanks for the chuckle. I think it's the first time i've laughed all day....very stressfull it was to!

Dori, the image you portray is becoming funnier by the minute....mind you i have consumed half a bottle of wine on an empty stomach! (Jo, we have something in common apeart from gardening)

This is becoming a funny thread, dori that is a funny image, maybe you should fly south with the ducks next Autumn, lol, but we are still wrapping up a bit here too, still to wet to mow the grass though, when it is dry enough it will be to [profanity removed]ed long, cant win here at the moment.
Hi Daisey, dont feel bad you are with friends now, that should cheer you up.

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Alan, I feel 100% better now! (the bottle is finished!!!!)

lol, wait till morning.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Daisy, what's up? We are here if you need us :-)

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I'm fine thanks Louisa. Hubbies abandoned me and i've had a frantic day.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

There are days like that love, it will pass :-)

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Patty, you here tonight?

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