24th - Ave et Vale

Or 'hail and farewell' today.

Just in for a quick bite of lunch, got a day's work trying to get little buggers to pronounce and spell at short notice so I'm off again - just thought I'd say hello to all, catch up with yesterday's posts and say 'see y'all tomorrer'.

Raining again, glad I whizzed over the grass yesterday, it's scary how fast it's growing at the mom. At least it's not cold, I've actually started thinking about camping weekends away again, the boys love it and a couple of days away always feels like a lot longer rest, I have to recharge my batteries on a regular basis since I like to boogie too much. I reckon I'll be the proverbial disreputable grandma in the (quite distant) future, won't that be fun !!

Oh well, gotta go and read emails and get my stuff together, Catch you tomorrow, Bye all and lots of love to all.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Busy day for me too Jo. Time is running away from me. 4 weeks and we are on the move again. Good morning friends. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Hope to chat later on but must get SOMETHING done today. :-)

Hi Jo, yep, raining here too but as you say its not cold today, make a nice change, are you planning a trip to Gardeners World Live this June ?, seems a few of us from here are,. sunday 17th, except daisy who is going on the 15th.

Hello Louisa, see you later, have a nice day, and dont over do it again.

Whers every one gone again ?.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Yes what a miserable day again it has been not even able to get round the garden after work.

Still all the seeds i have planted are doing very well, but it feels cold to me, yet yesterday was a lovely day.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Alan - I'm here :-) Hot this morning but a lovely short and sweet storm passed through. Temps dropped from 88 to 65 in the space of 30 mins. Just right for me and the plants!! Would this happen in the UK I wonder - I can't remember! Spent some money today and treated ourselves to a lovely Indian meal - ate so much I felt ill, I will never learn. I never overstuff myself at any restaurant except this one! I'll take a look around the forums and come back.

Louisa, now i told you not to over do it didnt i, lol, dont you remember here, it drops fromm 85 to40 in 10 minutes and stays there for a week, , some times it even forgets to comw back at all, and thats no for any one, even the plants, see you later.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan I can't remember temps dropping so dramatically, and to think I've only been away 4 years. I'm so glad its cooler here at this moment - means the dogwoods will stay around a little while longer. Wish you could see them :-)

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty it's the best year ever as far as I'm concerned, probably the cooler Spring had something to do with it. They are blooming their little socks off and still going strong. I've seen more pink ones in this area than I have ever seen before - Cornus Florida Rubra. It just struck me how oriental they are in shape. There is a huge specimen downtown Charlottesville that takes one's breath away. And I thought they liked semi-shaded forest locations. The trees in the town really dispel this train of thought! The cherries are still very much in evidence, the redbuds are leafing out and the blossoms disappearing now but the wisteria has bridged the gap before the mimosa and crepe myrtles take over. What a super display!!!

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Sorry that your friend is leaving Patty. I know what it feels like. It's nice to know someone who shares your love of gardening.

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