Its Sunday 22 April 2001

This place has gone to the dogs, its not on, this was a very friendly place where people cold post anything and everything, from good morning to goodnight, plants, weeds, granny best friends step sons brother, the lot, where it gone, the chat room i know has taken a lot away, but we should still come in here to get a dialogue going on a daily bases, we had a group of regulars who used to come here all the time, with visitors too, we dont want or need this place becoming like the other one, no one dare say anything because of others moaning, this little UK forum held the secound highest post count at the end of last month, so we were a popula place to be, lets get it back to that.

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Hello Patty, how are you, its sunny here, but still cold, like you i have a load of things to do out side, the garden is still to wet to work much ,i am putting wooden railing around the pergolas, in a vien attempt to keep my dog off on boarder she keep walking across, and the other side, to stop me taking a short cut across the lawn, lol.

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Patty, she is a cross, boarder collie/lab, she has no respect for my rules, lol, she chases everything, even bees, no end of times she cuts a path through my boarder plants chasing one, but this time of year i need to stop her getting on the boarders, she squashes my seedlings, so build a barrier if about all i can do for now.

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Ha, patty you will never believe me, but is just looking a coup[le out, a coouple of years old, i was thinking of posting them tonight, and thats the truth, you got esp or what.

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Gotta go Patty, catch you later, bye.

hi alan 4.25 sun.

Oh where have i heard that before, i have not been here long enough to suss things out.and dont know enough people.
Alan could we put our time on the page somewhere it would give us a good idea if we are on at the same ,them across the pond have it, we could just put on ourselves, im not going to worry anymore as i am so busy i can find enough to do, but as the man said its nice to talk
about anything
anybody out there

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

HI everyone, just stopped by to say hello. But from reading the posts i think you've all gone gardening.

It's sunny here, and i got a few more things planted in the way of seeds thismorning and crammed them onto windowsils.

Hubbys decided the interior of the house is in need of attention. Yipee.... a few trips to the DIY store in line for the coming weeks!

Pale Turquoise????? for bedroom and un Suite, what do ya think?
Supposed to be very trendy!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well here it has been a miserable day, but had to get out for a walk as i have been ill most of last week,yesterday was a lovely day, but spent it in bed getting rid of this cold.

Well i have been looking at the roses and i have found a bud on my climbing rose,its very early for them, and we have been having frosty nights but not bothered the roses, but yesterday i found aphids on my Handel climbing rose, but on none of my others.

It's been quite nice here, but I've been doing more sorting in the conservatory. Got to the end of the interesting ones, and now have a lot of little pots with either dead plants in or new seedlings. I've put all the prickly things in a corner where they can't get at me. When will my Epiphyllums flower? I grew them from seed and they have leaves and branches of all shapes and sizes but no buds. I want to see what colour they are.

Can anyone tell me how fast Bougainvillea will grow? I don't want to give it facilities for climbing if it won't be doing that just yet.

I see why peopple in the US keep saying their Passionflowers sprout everywhere. My P. incarnata seedling has three shoots and they all look ready to climb to the roof.

Before you ask, Alan - no, Graham didn't bring the compost (again).

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I had a baby passion flower plant, but i didn't realise they need protecting over the winter and the inevitable happened.....ahhhhhhh

Mary are you planning to grow the Bougainvillea in the conservatory?

Mary, not again, no wonder you are getting fed up, what is the problem there, is it hard to get ?.

i have three passion flower seedlings too, got them from a fruit that was growing over a wall, i never saw the parent plant in bloom so i dont know which it is yet.

Tink, we are five hours ahead of the clock on DG, it gets easy to remember after a while, we have gotten used to it now, you will too now you know.

Daisy, was your little passion flower shelterd ?, if it was it may have survived, dont give up on it just yet, give it time and see if it shoots, you may get a nice supprise.

Patty, sorry to run off like that earlier, vistors, why are you ashamed of your garden, no ones garden is the same patty, i am sure its nothing that ten minutes wouldnt put right, i am sure we would all like to see it, regaurdless of how bad you think it is.

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Alan, i'm affraid the passion flower is "Compost"!! It got it's me heartless. I have no patients for timewasters in my garden! lol

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan, just so you don't think I am being rude and ignoring you!!!! That goes for all my friends here also. I'm here Patty! yoohoo! Alan I respected your first post and it does seem a shame that this forum now appears way, way down on the forum list, where once it was the most popular. I hope I'm a decent type of person, I like to think I am friendly - I would welcome anyone, anytime, with any topic, gardening or otherwise. I didn't really want to post on here anymore but you have opened the door for me again. So for that I thank you.
Shiela, missed you. Sorry you were ill all week and hope the horrible bug is going to disappear with the horrible weather :-)

Daisy, you meamie, lol, i will send you one of my seedlings if they grow on, you will know next time.

Yes, my baby Bougainvilleas are in the conservatory- cuttings rooted last year. If they get positively rampant (always an optimist), I might try one outside in the shelter of the hedge.

I had a Passiflora caerulea outside, and it did survive last winter, but it didn't survive my son's attention with the strimmer. Luckily, I got two cuttings which are in the conservatory, but I will try them outside again.

I've found more things to dispose of. Anyone want a baby Agave americana? They were coming out of the holes at the bottom of the pot.


Just signed up today and thought I'd stick my oar in. I can't comment on your first post Alan but I am curious to know which other forum you are refering too, should I avoid this?

Well I've managed to successfully avoid all gardening this weekend, oh well twice as much to do next week!


Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Mary, is your Agava a verigated one? If not, it'd love one. I have a small varigated one if you want to swap??

Daisy, my Agave is just the plain 'wild' one. The offsets are tiny, only as big as a finger, but they grow fast. I don't have a variegated one, so I'd love to swap. I have five of these - how many do you want?

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Louisa, a few weeks ago you went to see a new vet. Was he able to be a bit more helpful? Doris

yo louisa hi thats wot i wanted to say to you.
debby he means gardenweb.
sleepy now.
boing boing time for bed

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Doris. Thanks for asking about Brandy. Yes, I did go to a new vet and yes, he was marvellous. He felt exactly as I did. Why put the animal through all those tests and injections when it was going to stress him out so much. He even gave me a type of cat litter so that Brandy could pee-pee in that, and then I would take it back to the vet for testing. The other vet put this needle into Brandy's stomach to draw out urine and Brandy freaked out. He also told me just to let the cat eat exactly what he wanted to eat and not what vets thought he should eat. In other words make the cat feel as comfortable and loved as before. I am so relieved I can tell you. I also have a syringe now for getting extra liquid into Brandy (instead of injections). Thanks again Doris, it's good for me to vent off now and again. My animals mean so much to me. Hope this is not too off-putting to all of you out there. Cat - sorry I missed you tonight! I wanted to ask how your mother was. Chat tomorrow.

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Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Thank you, Louisa for letting me know. I was getting a little worried after you said you were going to see a new vet and wondered if you had gotten good news from him. Hope Brandy will be feeling better now without the additional stress. Doris PS, You can tell I'm a cat person!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes Doris, I thought you might be another cat person. We must chat more often. Patty - I just loved your pictures! For some reason I thought you might be blonde because I could not remember how you described yourself - way back! Another modest and lovely lady!

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty - My photos are all packed and have been ever since we moved nearly a year ago. So waiting for the next move and then I will unpack and then get the computer running again. However, I hate having my photo taken and it shows! I usually scowl or something! Far better I show pictures of my garden, or the new house and my babies of course :-)

Louisa, i want a proper posein picture form you, head up and flying the flag, and a big smile on you face, but i supose i will just get a little one, with you half hidden, ah well, :).

Well, I'll look forward to seeing yr piccie ! Having said that I'm not gonna be posting, love the woman of mystery thang (how's my accent?).
Least you won't be nagging me Alan.
Anyway, how far back can we go with previously posted pics on DG ? Atre they keot for very long ?


Jo, spoil sport, i was hoping for one of you in that little black number with the cleavage, lol, dunno how long they are kept for Jo, there a few pages of them there.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

C'mon you lil ol thang Jo! Post that pic so that we can get some peace and quiet from you know who!!! I never thought of flying the flag Alan, but I guess I could. It is traditional in a lot of homes in the US to have the Stars and Stripes flying outside! Especially on July 4th. We do have flags, the British and the American one - a bit small though. DH keeps them flying on the bird table sometimes - they are - let's see about 6" x 6" - would this do you think!

Yes louisa, that'll do, i hope you were'nt refering to me, what did i do this time, :).

spikeyjo where _have_ you _been_?!
and you never answered my emails i thought you must have drownded in the weather lol
are you going to gardeners world live at the nec we need to know some of us are meeting up there in the champagne tent lollollol

Oh i see ribbit, you tell me the tea tent, and everyone else the champagne tent, huh.

lol alan i told you to probly you werent listening i forgot if we spoke to daisy about this yet

Daisy is going on friday ribbit, if you are still here go to chat.

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