Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning friends - A totally beautiful start to the day. No wind, sun is shining and alls right with the world. Liked your answer Patty in response to Mark's beef. Couldn't have put it better myself!! I hope you all have a productive and peaceful day :-)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Rainy and mild here today. We started at 47 and suppose to reach 67. I guess it's houseworkday..yuck! I hope everyone has a great day and a splendid weekend.
take care,

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes Dori, housework here also - all those dust bunies - yuk is right. But the sun is still shining and it promises to be a high of 71* today - I'm not complaining :-). I think the days of frosty nights are over - Summer here we come!

Hello louisa, missed you yesterday, you will be very pleased to know i have met SYR36, and we had a long chat last night, you can stop smiling now, lol, see ya later matchmaker.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Alan - That's lovely news. From small acorns.......... :-)

Kittanning, PA

You just had to tell her huh? LOL She's not gonna stop smiling and you and i both know that!!!!! :)

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