Hardy Geraniums

Specially for you, Mark - I know you can write a lot on this thread!

My Geranium pratense are doing very well now I've moved them to the front in the shelter of a hedge (I hate the hedge). They look even bigger than last year, and they were quite impressive then. I have a pale milky blue one - would that be Mrs. Kendall Clarke or Silver Queen - how can I tell?

I moved the Geranium lambertii, too - it grew much bigger than I thought it would. The roots made a dandelion look a wimp. I haven't decided yet where I ought to put it, so it's just sitting in the greenhouse waiting for me to get some inspiration.

I got some Geranium incanum Sugar Plum in a swap - anyone know what it looks like?

Also found Geranium albanum - anyone got any information on this one?

This message was edited Friday, Apr 20th 1:37 PM

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I am drooling! After roses my favourites of all time are geraniums. Mark and I had exchanged e-mails about them a few months back and I know that there are many new ones that I have not even heard about. I have started a collection again for my new garden but they are the ones that are most readily available. Perhaps when I am settled in the new home and the ground is prepared you can tell me more about the new cultivars and perhaps we might exchange seeds. There might be something over here that you would like that is not readily available in the UK.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

ummmm hardy geraniums

I have acollection of about 30 different ones. Lambertii is top of my wants list for this year. most are year old cuttings which flowered last year but should be better this year provided I get them all potted up into 18L pots. here's a link to my hardy geranium photo album.


my Erumerus are well out of the ground but my divided ones are huffing.

The Leucojums are looking great. The early ones are finished but the 'Gravetye Giants' are bursting with flowers.

Any day now my Leylandii hedge is coming out but not until the daffs have finished flowering. I have just acquired some rejects from a specialist daff grower. The nicest ones are - one where the trumpet looks like it has been torn into pieces and one that is the coloor of terracotta.

Over the weekend I will be planting my South African daisy seeds which I got while out there.

I have a few wild Canna seeds available which were picked from plants that had really small but beautiful flowers


hi mark
did you like the rhs mag
my ereumus are nearly 24" high and look great
and the gunnera is just making good head

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


my Erumerus that wasn't disturbed is about the same as yours. The rest are less than 6 inches out of the ground.

I stopped getting the RHS mag a couple of years back but I should resubscribe to it.


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

geranium albanum

it's from Caucasicus and Iran. grows to 18 inches. stems are trailing with pink flowers veined with magenta.


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

What's the name of the ground hugging geranium that sends out really long shoots and pale pink flowers? I did grow it in England but have forgotten the name.

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Thank you for the info on Geranium albanum. How about Erodium castellanum and Erodium guiccardi - or don't you do Erodiums? Have you got G. Salome?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

castellanum from spain has pink flowers with paler throats. 18 inches high with finely cut leaves

guiccardi from greece has silver leaves and pink flowers.

I dont have G salome which is a lambertii x procurrens cross


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes Patty I am looking forward to receiving the plants. I love the erodiums too - so delicate and beautiful.

How do you know what all these are, Mark? Have you got Bath & Jones?

I have a few spare seeds of these, from my garden or Society Distributions or trades:

Geranium Ballerina
        ibericum (v. few)
        incanum Sugar Plum
        koreanum (few)
        lambertii (White)
        maderense or palmatum
        pratense Mrs. Kendall Clarke (I think)
        psilostemon (few)
        sanguineum Pink strain
        Splish Splash
        x oxonianum Claridge Druce
        ? blood red
        ? light pink

Erodium castellanum

Always looking for more unusual things, if anyone's interested in a trade.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Mark, do all the above appear in your photo page? Hopefully I may have something you wish to excange seeds for. Maybe you can tell me what might interest you.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

only these
ibericum (v. few)look at magnificum
maderense or palmatum
pratense Mrs. Kendall Clarke (I think)
psilostemon (few)
Splish Splash

yes Mary I have

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

can I have some incanum seeds?

the plant comes from the Cape area of South Africa. green filigree leaves which are silver below. the flowers are reddish purple with a white throat. they are not very hardy but easy from seeds or cuttings in summer


I have a couple of G. incanum plants which survived the winter in my unheated greenhouse (or whitehouse a couple of times). The Sugar Plum seeds germinated easily. I did them indoors between damp paper towels. Let me know your address, and do you want a bit of the G. lambertii?

Straide, Mayo, Ireland(Zone 9a)


I can send you a division of Geranium 'Salome'. Did you get the Rare Plant Fair info from me yet? I'm taking all my G. incanum babies to that, but I have a plant coming into flower now so I can photograph it. Geranium magniflorum, also from South Africa , has quite similar leaves, but hasn't flowered yet. It survived -14C outside last winter, to my surprise !


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

yes i'll have one Jane.

the Rare Plant Fair happens the weekend before I take part in a bat conference in Galway county. After being away in South Africa I cant ask for more time off work :-(. I looked at a map and I think it is way to far to get there and back in one day. What do you think?


Straide, Mayo, Ireland(Zone 9a)

I checked it out on the Routefinder and here's the summary from your place to Roscrea...
Total distance: 195.5 miles
Length of trip: 4 hours, 25 minutes

Too far to do a round trip in one day , really, unless you love driving. We're going down the night before.
What date are you travelling to/from Portumna ? We're off to Scotland on the 20th May , but I'll be at home up to that date.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

May 18th -20th

Chester, North Wales, United Kingdom

Have any of you come across Geranium Knight reiter..I have just bought a small one of these. Purple fern-like leaves. Nice,but wondered if a bit precious/tender.

Chester, North Wales, United Kingdom

Was one of you folk looking for G.Renardii?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


your Geranium is a G pratense cultivar so should be fully hardy. I have a Victor Reiter seedling that is fully hardy.


Chester, North Wales, United Kingdom

Thanks Mark
it's a cracking-looking plant. I was a bit wary as some of the other darker-leaved varieties I have are slow to establish.

Straide, Mayo, Ireland(Zone 9a)

I think your plant is 'Midnight Reiter' which is a much darker form than its parent 'Victor Reiter'. I have both and Midnight R. is very small, compact and slow growing , also keeps its colour throughout the year whereas VR tends to fade to green . MR is a fabulous little foliage plant and survives here with no difficulty but I'd be inclined to give it a spot where it won't get swamped or trampled on.

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