Tuesday April 17th

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning friends - a cold but sunny morning here in beautiful Virginia. Hubbie cooking breakfast this morning and is call me already. I will be back later and hopefully will find you all posting. :-)

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning friends! A really pretty day here today! It is sunny and warm! Where is everyone at over there????Helloooo....can ya'll hear me???? Lisa

Just heard it lisa, sound takes a while to get this far.

Hello all, how is every one, anyone home at the moment ?.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

IM here been watching the snow melt! The sun is out now.
Lisa you should be warm with all your feathers ;-]!
I have to get busy now!

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Helllloooo my friends, hellllooooo.......

Hello Trina, you go to the butterfly park today ?.

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Sure did, it was fantastic. Birds of prey, snakes, spiders,scorpians, red ants, quails, guinea pigs, lamas, walabies, pheasents, cockrells, oh and butterflies of course. Some were at least 6 inches accross.
Found a great garden nursery on the way back too! kept me happy anyway!

OK, but i thought the idea was for you little one to have fun ?, lol, did you find that baytree nursery ?.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

hellooo! anyone home?

Hi lisa, hows your tomatoes ?, didnt drown them did you.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

hello alan, lol! nope! lets chat!

Lisa, sorry had problems again, i will have to mentiuon it to dave, will try again.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

i figured that! looks like it was giving you a go! see ya, Lisa

Still cant get in, i can read but not send, anoying, sorry lisa.

Camden, NJ

saw you in chat coming in okay i was asleep

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Allan, I noticed you got in the chat room. What did you do to make it work? I get the ok, and I type in Hi, but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. Wasn't your problem similar? Guess I'll have to spend the rest of my life lurking. Doris

I have a dreaded hate of spiders and snakes
I cringe sometimes just lifting up a plant pot.
something from my childhood i think

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm here if anyone is interested :-)

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Patty!! Which friends did you meet today and where? It sounds exciting. I've had a really boring day looking for mirrors again. I think I may have found them at last. We have put all the plants back into the shed in preparation for the cold tonight and tomorrow. We are under a freeze watch and it's really not fair. No wonder we are all fed up. We can't get on with our gardening...lol

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty I don't know about a dream house. I guess you could call it our cat house, since it was designed with my babies in mind!! I know, I'm a little bit crazy, but I owe them that much. I dragged them all the way from England where they enjoyed idyllic days in our lovely garden and the surrounding farms to a far different life as indoor cats. Another thing about my 'dream house' is the mud room. I wanted a shower here and space for my flower arranging. I got exactly what I wanted, so now when I come into the house all filthy from my digging, I can hop straight into the shower without going through the house. I didn't really ask for a luxurious house, but a practical one with cottage in mind. Sounds as though you had a lovely get together with the 'farm life' girls. I was only saying to Alan that it would be nice if we could get together when I go to England in October. Daisy, Ribbitcat, Alan and myself all live in the same part of England. I wonder where every body is tonight.

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