Monday 16th April

Morning All, its another bright day here, but still cold in the wind, been doing a bit more to my rails, come in for the coffee morning, but it seems to have been cancelled, no one in.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning Alan. Good morning Friends. Getting cooler here also. Don't know what's happened to the weather this year. In the blazing 90 ten days ago, then gorgeous temps and now come mid week we are going to plummet to below freezing maybe (but only till the weekend). Up and down to be sure! What's on your agenda today. I'm still looking for mirrors for the bathrooms and couldn't even find them in Richmond yesterday. Half the stores were closed anyway and rightly so and even I felt a little guilty about shopping on a Sunday!!

This message was edited Monday, Apr 16th 8:23 AM

lo i sneaked on the computer while hubbys out
til he sees the bill

Hi Alan

have you got a large train set?


LOl, tinklebell, no, wooden rails, to keep my dog of the boarders.

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Alan I need to pick your brains, can i email you?

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Alan, I've emailed you!

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Thanks for the info Alan.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty - see you posting! Are you still on DG? This forum has really gone to the dogs. Come back if you're out there!

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm OK Patty. I was tied up with Holy Week - in a nice way of course and then the house and the cat again. I didn't feel very chatty. I knew it would pass. So here I am!! How are you and how was your Easter?

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, blue is right for some folks!! I just heard about Janice's dad!! How terribly sad for her and her family. I've been through it twice so I know. Blue is another word for the weather - blue cold more like! I can't believe it! Put the heat on again this evening. If I lose my plants now I will be really mad after babying them through the winter, the long winter, that seems still to be with us. Are you sure you are OK?

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty - I'll be back in 5 minutes - don't go away!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty - sorry I have to go. Catch you tomorrow :-)

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Patty, I couldn't agree with you more about evaluating one's life. I guess that's what I was doing during Holy Week. Thank you for asking about Brandy. He's not eating very well at all. Have tried just about everything available now even food from the vet. So will cook for him as a last resort. He is still grooming and sleeping beside me at night, so that's a good sign. It's when he wants to be by himself that I shall really start worrying. We will face it when it comes!! Talk later under Tuesday!! :-)

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