I want to trade my leftover seeds. Some are new, some are old, I have only a few of all of them, but they are GOOD seeds. I can't understand the trouble I'm having in swapping them - I'd jump at the chance. All I want is someone else's leftovers of unusual perennials, alpines, shrubs or tropicals. 20 of mine (pot luck) for 20 of yours (pot luck). If you don't have that, you can have ten of these for an ordinary trade of something unusual.

This is what I have - don't they sound interesting to you? PLEASE, someone - I need a trade. I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms.

From: Achillea ageratifolia
To: Zantedeschia rehmannii

Update, 16th June: Anything not already traded went into the oddments for the Weird Seed Lucky Dip Trade

Of course, if you want an ordinary trade, I'm ready when you are. Send me your list.

This message was edited Saturday, Jun 16th 7:29 PM

Kittanning, PA

Hi Mary,
Are they hardy in Zone 5? I'm working on a rock/woodland/alpine flower bed and some of those look REALLY interesting to me.... I have a few that aren't listed here.....if you want to trade...e-me and i will let you know what i do have....

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

Mary Any roscoea seed at all ? I have posted everywhere even on the alpine forums.

Battle Creek, MI(Zone 5B)

Hi Mary,
Your list of seeds are just divine! I could be wrong, but I think perhaps people feel a bit intimidated by such a great list. I would love to trade with you. We "kind of" traded once before as I ran the "Blind Surprise Trade" over at the GW.(At least I think this is you!, if not I would still love to trade) I loved the seeds you sent and wanted to keep all of them. Of course, I didn't because that just wouldn't have been fair. I would prefer choosing seeds instead of doing just a "pot luck". Unfortunately, I have been severely lacking in maintaining a list of my seeds. If you send me a list of your wants I will see what I have. (I'm sorry to do it this way, but it would take me forever to list everything)We can work out the details in Email.

Thanks again Mary!


I am using my regular Email now--- Hyacintho1@aol.com

Chester, North Wales, United Kingdom

have a look at my list and see what we can do!

Anderson, TX(Zone 8a)

I would love some of your Passiflora foetida if you have any left.

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

I would like some of your Trollius if you have any.
Many thanks

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

I would love to trade with you. How about 10 of mine for 10 of yours. like you say pot luck. we will both get a surprise 10 pk. let me know.

Gilmer, TX

Mary, I'm interested in a potluck trade. I love surprises. I'll e-mail you with address, etc. Pam

Temuco, Chile(Zone 9b)

Mary, you just got a mail.

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