bulb question

Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

Friend said "come dig up all my bulbs". I did. All Oriental type. Stalks are still green. So what do I do now? Plant now, let them dry out & put in frig? Any help will be apreciated.

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

I would plant at once! Water thoroughly. Maybe the bloom cycle has been interrupted, maybe not. But these are perennial and should be in the ground. Hope this helps! John

Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

I thought that's what I should do, but needed another opinion. Thanks lots. I think the four of us dug up at least 2K worth of plants. So sad 'cause someone put so much work and love into her plantings, but the new owner just doesn't want them.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

You're kidding??? What kind of bulbs, Aga??? Some you can plant now, and others you need to wait until fall or early winter.


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