Thursday Postings

I have a craving for chocolate Easter eggs - so far I've resisted the urge to dash out and buy them but my willpower is weakening by the minute. It's tough being a creature of impulse at times, very difficult to control one's wilder impulses. Ah me.....

So how's everyone today ? All well I hope. The sun is shining here, am walking around the garden with only a halter top on (no, not ONLY a halter top Alan, you know what I mean, Naughty boy !) and not shivering - that's a novel experience given all the rotten weather we've had in the last it-seems-like-20-years. Still today it almost feels fine enough for a BBQ - Woo Hoo !!!!! Unfortunately I don't think the ground will dry out for quite a while yet so a lot of the bigger jobs will have to wait - I plan to attack the privet hedging again this weekend and maybe cut the grass that's left in my patch of 'Good Life' garden (haven't any farm animals tho').

It's possible that I'll go away for Easter - in a way it's healthy for me that that the forum has eased off a bit as I probably will be able to con myself into believing that I won't have withdrawal symptoms too much. I checked over the'phone about the foot and mouth restrictions in the Fens and it doesn't seem too bad so I might just jaunt off - family's offered to take care of the boys for a few days, it'll be nice to be single for a little while. You gotta love your kids but there are times......

Anybody doing anything special for Easter ? You probably all talked about it in detail on the chat line but I never get to access that as you all know (I've nagged you all enough to keep posting here after all) so you can all just take a little time out to keep ME up to speed, okay ?

Right, I'll be back later, goibng to nip around the forums while I can and before I get kicked off by a sibling.

Bi all


Jo, check your email, call me.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Good morning jo, alan, and the rest of the gang. Jo, I am glad you are having nice weather today. Never fight the urge for chocolate Easter eggs! It is not good for you to do that :). Nothing much going on today (finally). I get to run errands and a few other catch up things, I'll see ya'll later on! Bye, Lisa

Hi Lisa, no you're right I gave in already and bought some. Yum !

Unbelievably the sun's STILL shining !


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

jo, that is great--about the sun AND the candy...did you get my last email regarding the Hughes family? Lisa

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Just checking in and letting you know its warm n windy here-unreal at +67 at 6am. thunderstorms moved through the state all night. Halter top-not warm enough for me! you go jo-I already gave in and bought some yummy choclate last night!;]
HI to all my friends on the forum-Im heading out to plant some columbines and delphineums! skippity doo da day its a wonderful day! oh did I say they were liquor filled candies.....LOL im joking! But I really luv those conyak(sp)and choclate barrels!!! yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm(dont have any)
have a GREAT day everone.....cheerio!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone! Thank you for your emails regarding my disappearance from here over the past couple of days. It was nice of you to be concerned. There is a lot going on for me leading up to Easter Sunday so won't be posting much. Jo, I can almost taste those eggs! Lisa, of course, knows exactly what you are talking about :-). Patty hope you have recovered from last weekend and that your cold has gone completely. Have a wonderful day and be kind to each other :-) And BTW - we do get the Cadburys mini eggs over here so I am looking forward to Easter Sunday when I can again start eating all those goodies!

Lisa , I've not had any new emails about the Hughes' - can u send it again ?

Mmmmmmmmm - chocolate !

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Will do! on its way now! Lisa

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

What happened to Diane (Northener?) I have not seen her post in a good while? Does anybody know? Lisa

Last I heard she was having major problems with her computer - hopefully she'll be back v soon.


jo, lisa, you still here

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

hi alan, just popped in...are you still here? jo? Lisa

Hello Lisa, yes still here, jo's not at home.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

oh, wanna chat?


Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hello all, i won't be around much tonight. Hubbies gone out and i'm cooking him a nice meal for when he gets back.

The evening sun is still shining and i've got loads of gardening done today.

Anyone in at the moment ?.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi alan, i just peaked in for a moment...Lisa

didnt pick up much tonight did it.

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Hello patty, havent heard from you in a while, are you ok ?.

Lisa, sorry i wasnt ignoring you, i could not post, i could only read, dont know why, second time i wouldnt do anything, had to leave the garden all together to get out.

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