Grafting peach onto plum tree?

Lancaster, CA

Would Grafting peach cuttings onto a plum tree work do you think? Would I still get peaches? I know plums and peaches are the same general family you can see my knowledge of grafting principles is minimal.

I'm planning for this winter


Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

i know they are grafting trees now called fruit cocktail and those 2 are on it so i don't think you will have a problem. but this is only a guess. let us know how it turns out.

Lancaster, CA

Good point, thanks for the reminder. I've seen those trees in Guerneys or some such catalog. So I believe you're right.


Chris, here's a good article with (a little) detail.

Grafting is fun and I'd love to do it sometime. Trish's uncle used to grow all his own fruit trees and graft them onto rootstocks that he also grew himself. He had a massive orchard of pears, peaches, plums, and apples, all grown himself. Good luck!


Lancaster, CA

Thank you Dave. That's essentially what I'd read elsewhere tho I didn't know I could store cuttings up to 6months in the fridge. That's a useful bit of info. I'm looking forward to winter for some experimenting.

I've forgotten the names of the peaches my friend has. One is a white peach, the other is large clingfree type. Hopefully she'll be able to part 5 cuttings of each so I'll have a good shot at getting 2 of each to flourish.

Dad has a plum tree that isn't happy in the desert. Peaches however do great :)


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