Pregnant Onion

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I just got a Pregnant Onion (houseplant). Can anyone tell me what kind of care this plant takes. It looks like the Bowiea Volubilis "Climbing onion", but it has strappy leaves right now. It was just called Pregnant Onion. Any help would be appreciated.

they do propagate from seed but better from the bulblets they give. the leaves get long i have big one under a tree. good siol keep damp but not wet the larger ones can tolerate to be dry if you forget to water.
will post a pic here in a bit

also they can take a bit of cool weather . i left one in the car overnight by mistake this winter and the leaves froze and died but the bulb did not die and is growing again

This message was edited Saturday, Jun 1st 7:32 PM

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info. I was at a loss as to where to put it, and moisture. What about fertilizer? Do you feed yours and since mine is small, only about the size of a large egg, I only have it in a six inch pot. Is that good enough?

that is good for now. no i don't fertilize. i use compost when i transplant and when i seperate them i remix the soil with new the fall put it in a biger pot nad don't wory about disturbing the roots. kind of break them up a bit when you repot them. and when you seperate 2 big ones like in my pic just kind of hold it up to god and rip the mass in half.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much for the information on this thread and the one you started. I'll just keep it outside this summer and on the deck. It is shaded, but bright. Hope you have a great gardening summer.


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