It's Tuesday and it's raining

.......again, what a surprise !

First off, hey DaisyChain (Trina) what a bummer for you. Haven't been here 'cos it's the !"££$%%^& holidays and this machine's VERY difficult to get on . However I just spent some time reading threads I missed and I am FURIOUS about that cow who treated you like that ! It takes years to make a good friend and one minmute to lose the same - I just hope that she's realised what she's done and is sorry, although if she thinks she should come before her kids I seriously doubt it...

Anyway, who need friends like that. I would think about the relationship if I were you - there are a number of people who I call "friendly acquaintances" rather than friends and perhaps this is the category you should use for her. To me a FRIEND is someone I can trust with my kids and my life and my secrets and EVERYTHING else that's important, any doubts and I relegate them to 'friendly' rather than friend.

Easy to say of course, especially when hubby's often away and you need human company. I suppose that's why we all like DG so much (?) - here we have friends that ask nothing except our company. Are there any clubs near you? Could you perhaps organise something to get together with others in the neighbourhood (when the weather gets better, in the garden perhaps).

Don't know the answer to this but I suspect you are a much nicer person than cow-face over the road



Back again : had to sort a dispute (as usual) so I took the opportunity to make a cuppa too. So apart from that invective I just wrote for which I apologise, I really think you should get out & about more if you can ? You probably told us already but my mind's like a colander at the moment (too much partying) but are you isolated there or are you in one of those estates where there are a lot of people in reach ? Do you get any support from other neighbours ? Tell us all.
In the meantime, have a hug <>

Now go and make a cuppa and tell us about everything, we're all nosy buggers here, have you noticed ?

Hey Alan you're a bad influence on me, bugger is definitely one of YOUR words, look what you've done to me and me such a pure innocent before I met you !

Anyway girls and guys, NO hangover today, aren't I good ? Actually we had a major night on Sunday because of the football result, loads of bubbly and stuff and people 'phoning all evening, neighbours coming in wondering what the hell the fuss was all about 'cos they're definitely NOT football crazy - so after all that Monday HAD to be quieter. Still, you know what Bon Jovi said, 'Gonna live today and I'll sleep when I'm dead' .

Mind, I hope that's not for a while yet......

Anybody in today or do I have to talk to my kids ?


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hello Jo, good morning! Glad to see you today. Sounds like you have been one busy gal...Another hot day for us. We just jumped right into summer here, temps getting into the high 80's, low 90's. It is to bad that Alan has hurt such an innocent person like you! (smile ;) )I tell you, what are we going to do about that??? I hope to catch up with you later on today. See ya, Lisa

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Where are ya'll today? Everybody sleeping still? Lisa

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Sleeping? Are you kidding! I was up at four this morning. It was so hot and Brandy was a little poorly. Good morning friends..........I like it Jo! I can relate to all of your sound advice. We've all been trampled on at one time or another, but to be the butt and punching bag of a so called 'friend' is the worst. I have been taken for a ride quite often!! We have to learn who are acquaintances and travelling all my life I have many of those. The stick by you through thick and thin friends are hard to come by but now and again they come along! Glad to hear your head is behaving this morning :-) Lisa, another busy day for you? We had a little storm and one shower which cleared the air a bit this morning. Going to the "new" vet this morning. He sounds so kind on the phone that I know I'm going to like him!! Have a wonderful day folks!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

its cold and damp here 40-50's no sun! we will be having showers on and off this week-but thats spring i guess.
Jo-glad your head is not pounding today. ;] good girlie!
True Friends are hard to find-I have a hard time trusting anyone. I guess I still keep my guard up. My younger sis has always and always will be my only best friend! sisters honor!
I have so much to do, I have no idea where to start but a shower sounds like the key to get me moving! My gf calls everyday around 8 and we are on the telly ;]till at least 10. so its hard to get moving here-or go to chat! =[
everyone have a great day,

Its cold wet and orrible here, just like the rep i get from you lot, think i will stay home, my dog may be a b**ch, but she doesnt have a go at me like you lot do.

Any nice people in here today.

Back at last, and the sun's come out. Amazing how that changes your attitude. Just nipped round the corner to the local bank to pay in some money, been a bit lax about that so I thought I'd better give them some back, and found that the stupid place closed at 3 and I got there at 3.03. Wouldn't let me in either even tho' they know me well, still had to smile as the sun came out.

Just heard from a neighbour across the fields at the back who tells me they have barn owls nesting in their old barn so I reckon we'll be spending a few early evenings there in the near future watching these most beautiful of British birds hunting low across the fields. The sad thing is that you can't go around telling people about it in case they are or know someone who collects eggs or , worse, enjoys shooting things for the sake of it. Both these are illegal but there's still plenty of people who do them.

Going back to friends, yah I agree, REAL friends are rare, but thinking about it that doesn't mean we can't and don't have the other kinds of friends, and in plenty. It's just hurtful when you're tromped on - reckon we've ALL been there huh ?

Gonna look around see who's where

Bi for mom


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

wow alan, i am so sorry, i was only kidding with you. please forgive me...i will not pick on you anymore 'kay...? sorry, i feel really bad 'cause i think your last post was refering to me :(. didn't mean to upset you. Lisa

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

aawwwwww alan,
Im sorry your feeling so bad about all the post...I think they were mostly in fun.
i hope im not on that bad list-shame on you Lisa! be good!
If I have offended you or anyone "Im truly SORRY"

*see President Bush its not that hard! ;]*


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

dori, this is the second person in as many days as I have seemed to offend someone...this is really not my nature, maybe i need to take a vacation from Daves for a while untill I learn my manners....feeling like dirt here, :( Lisa

Lisa, i was not refering to anyone, it was supposed to be funny, sorry if it wasnt, if i have a bone to pick with someone, trust me, i will tell the person directly and they will now, so dont feel bad, i can take he ribbing i get from you lot here, so lets have your smile back Lisa.

Jo, bugger you, i am no saint, but i aint corrupted no one, lol, least of all you.

Lisa, I order you to smile NOW ! You heard what Alan said.

Alan, if it wasn't you who corrupted me the other night when the lights went out then who was it ? Rats, and I had just developed such a feeling of awed respect for your, erm, shall we say 'chat-up' line.

Who the hell WAS that then ?

Anyway, we all have to make sure that we use 'smile' or :) or something else more - don't want to get all stuffy like that 'other place' can be do we?

Chat up line, chat up line,is there no end to your insults woman, and you are right, we dont need it to get stuffy here.

pssst, Jo, is it working, lol.




Jo, you still here.

Just about, although there's riots in the dining room so I may have to run in there in a mo.

Any American friends about as well ?

jo, you want to go in the chat up, i mean chat room for a minute or two, lol.

Now then Alan, what are you suggesting sir ? A darkened room , empty at the moment I notice and enticement to enter from a known rogue ? And of course there's no evidence of what was said after ?


This ******g machine's dead slow at the mo so I'll try but I'm not convinced it'll let me - perhaps I need a new 'puter.

Ladies, if I don't return you all know who did it !


A darkened room, i thought you said we was in one the othere night,lol, dont tell ribbitcat, she has plans for me, lol, see you in a minute then.

No, I can't get in - am trying again

Camden, NJ

file name is

Camden, NJ

allan use win98 drivers from your creative disk uninstall all first

Jo, i will wait for you,no matter how long it takes, lol.

No, I'm B*******g off in disgust, I'm sick of this p**y machine it keeps rejecting me with error application something and I've got whingeing in my ear about being on it too long and how they've got to access Robot Wars NOW : sorry lover, perhaps I'll catch u tomorrow]

bye, jo see you soon.


Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hello all.
Jo, thanks for the moral support. I went round this afternoon, to visit the "FRIEND" in question. Acted like nothing had happened! Well, thats fine by be. Forgive and forget thats my moto, and at the end of the day its HER problem. Just means i won't offer anything in future! Her loss....

Alan, you little flirt!! lol

I'm going to my brothers this evening to use his scanner, going to try to post some pickies of my garden!

This message was edited Tuesday, Apr 10th 2:20 PM

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Are any of you members of Horticultural Clubs?
Where would I find out is there are any in my area?

Zo !
Alan and spikeyjo !
Your zecret is out !You trollops !
Not sure how I feel about a menage a trois,though,I'm an old fashioned girl lollol
Anyone remember the Eartha Kitt song ?
Daisy -
I know there's an orchid society,they have little shows at the hall down the road,and there's an allotment show near Anglia TV place Aug./Sept.time I think.
I'm sort of curious about these clubs/societies,you hear them on Gardener's Question Time,but would be too scared to go to one on my own in case it's like what I imagine the WI to be like.Let me know if you come across any,wiil you please ? We could go together,holding hands for courage !
Of course after I'd told you my real name,I 'd have to kill you to preserve my woman of mystery image.

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Ribbitcat, Oh no, we'd definately have to go to the club under our usernames!!! It would be a laugh!!!

"And here we have our two new members...Ribbitcat and Daisy_chain" hahahahaha lol lol

Oi, ribbitcat, i will tell them all your real name that'll blow your cover, wont it.

Oi, ribbitcat, i will tell them all your real name that'll blow your cover, wont it.

Hello all, anyone in at the moment.

Camden, NJ

just us chickens

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

hellloooo! anyone still here??

The fox got them.

Wheres louisa been today ?, i hope she is alright.

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

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