Help for Jack

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Hope someone can tell me what is on & what to do for my jack-in-the-pulpit-

Thumbnail by lizh
Allen, MI(Zone 5a)

I saw the same thing on a wild plant last night, it didn't look like bug eggs to me, I thought that it looked orange/yellow?

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Our County Agent finally called yesterday. I took a leaf to him last week. he said it was a fungus, and to use Daconil. He said that was spores on the leaves. May be too late, the frost almost killed it Monday night. The frost got a lot of my plants.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I almost thought it was whitefly but I guess you are right!! Too much rain I guess!! Sorry about the frost - this weather has done a lot of damage!!

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