magpies for tea?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'm getting a magpie down on my bird table and feeders, and I've never seen one do that before. Is it normal, ? or is he waiting for the baby birds to arrive to have them for his tea? should I be scaring him off, they are nice looking birds, but the noise they make is horrible, it's as if someone didn't match up the bird to the song when they were created ! :-)
The starlings are coming now with the babies in hot ,and noisy persuit!poor parents, and one of the sparrow families has their babies along too. My blue tits seem to be missing this year, guess they didn't make it.

I've not seen one come to the table but we did have a very old magpie come and drink from the pond everyday a couple of years ago. He had only one eye and his black feathers were turning white. He only ever came that year so I suppose he died that winter.

There haven't been too many birds come this year, I have a song thrush and blackbirds visit in my garden. Previously I saw a lesser spotted woodpecker, sparrows, robins, jays and bullfinches but I think the woodland out the back has provided enough food for them all because I still see them they've just not come to eat. Mom has found the same thing in her garden this year too.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

My garden seems to be a haven for starlings at the moment, and do they squabble and go, noisy bunch.But like you ,there's a lot missing, that I'd normally see such as blue, or long tailed tits.

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