Relocate a clematis?

Feeding Hills, MA(Zone 5a)


I have 2 clematis vines that I put on an trellis between two
bushes. Well...the bushes are now so large that you can
barely see the top of the trellis much less the clematis.

Has anyone ever dug up their clematis vines and moved them to a different spot? And when would be the best time to do this? After they bloom? Am afraid I might kill them. They are relatively new...just a couple of years old.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I dug one up last year that had been in the ground for 4 or 5 years. It was quite a job... and had a massive root ball. I'd do it as soon as you can - I dug mine sorta late and had to cut it way back. I managed to get a few divisions from it and than planted it in a different spot. It took a while for it to recover but I see it's coming up beautifully this year. Don't be alarmed if the foliage dies back from the shock of it all. As long as the roots are kept watered it will put out new growth.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

It's better to move the climber when it is in it's dormant period or when the buds just begin to swell - early Spring usually. Sue said that it's better to dig it up earlier than she did!! Glad it made it Sue!! The large flowered clematis generally transplant better because of their thick roots!! If you move it now, you will probably have to cut it back by half but DON'T cut into old stems that show no signs of life!! Cut down to a strong pair of leaf axil buds. Have you carried out pruning in previous years?? If you have, then there should be evidence of buds quite low down on the stems. Which clematis do you have? If you can wait, I would do it in late fall, early spring!!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I did like Sue, I moved mine at the wrong time, it was about 7 years old, and I almost lost it. I cut it way back but it took a couple of years to fully recover. I wish DG had been around back then, lol.

Feeding Hills, MA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for your help all!

It has buds all over it and has grown to the top of the
trellis even though it its only 2 years old and I bought it when it was just 9" high.

It is a Nelly Mosher and a Hagley Hybrid.

They only grew half way up the trellis last year with just
a few flowers so I think that I will move it in the early spring next year......have a lot on that 2003 calendar already.... Thanks again...Kat

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Leave the clematis and move the bushes. Just a thought.

Feeding Hills, MA(Zone 5a)

I would love to move the bushes but they are just too big!

One is a burning bush and the other is a "Moonlight Scotchbroom" (Cytisus x scoparius "Moonlight") That one is
about 4 ft tall now and at least 3 ft or more wide. I have already moved it twice and it is beautiful when it blooms.

Just too massive for my back! :*) The clematis is still relatively small.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

I just dug up one from my neighbors house that moved to california and now I have it. Did that 2 weeks ago. So far. it looks like its doing just fine. I hope it makes it. I noticed today. that one section was climbing up the obelisk Dh made me for mothers day. So. it must be okay. If it doesnt; bloom this year. thats okay. i just want it to live. ps. I just read about how they cut some back. I didn;t do that. just moved it. maybe I should do that.

This message was edited Friday, May 17th 9:24 PM

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

mings when a plant is moved it goes into shock and by cutting it back, it is less stressful on the plant. Energy is then directed to the roots instead of trying to support all that top growth!!

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

ooooohhhh How much of it shoudl I cut back. Its like 3 feet tall. Plus. is it too late? I dug it up 2 weeks ago tomorrow(sunday)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

mings it sounds as though your climber is doing well in which case I would leave it alone for now!! Do you know which one you have?

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

I only saw it blooming once. It was maybe pink with a white stripe ?? I truely am at a loss. the only thing that I DO remember is. When I saw it. I wanted it!!!!! And since she moved away and told me to take it. I DID ! lol...Who knows what the silly landlord would do with it. Probably take a weed wacker to it. Its safe at my house.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

lol mings, of course you couldn't abandon it!!! - it sounds like Nelly Moser, Barbara Dibley or Lincoln Star!! Barbara and Lincoln flower in May, June and Aug!! Nelly should also bloom twice, May-June and Aug-Sept!! Although having said that these are the times they bloom in England. I have a feeling they start earlier over here in the US. My viticellas are blooming now and back home they don't start to bloom until July!! This is intriguing me and wonder how long they will keep on flowering!!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

we got lucky. there is sweet autumn clematis growing wild all over the side of the road from Johnnie's work, near the Chattahochee River. He dug up a 6' plant, brought it home, right in the ground, watered for a few days and it never blinked. Did this in September. it's doing wonderfully now, even got a baby off of it for the other side of trellis.

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

tiG~wow! that is great! hay. while yo are here. (i think you are here) I have an envelope sitting here with your name on it for postage. how many $ for pond plants?
louisa~ I hope it makes it. I'll be sure to post a photo if and when it blooms!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll keep a watch out for your photo Mings!! Good luck!!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

mimi, just send 3.95, that ought to cover it!

Sharpsville, PA(Zone 5a)

thanks! Will get that off this week

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