hops vine to trade

I have hops vine to trade for another vine preferably.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

I would love to trade for your Hops vine. I have Clerodendrum Thomosoniae I could trade. Later
I should have Bengal Clock vine (orange) and some others that I will be layering as soon as they start growing well . I also have some passifora seedlings.


the clerodendrum would be great. i would have to bring it inside for winter correct? I have several hops vines that come up every year. now for me to go one up for you i will be sure you have a good size rooting. thank you. please e-mail me your address.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Sorry, I didn't get back to this thread before you had
to e-mail me yourself.


no problem :) I will be digging that hops vine soon. may have more if anyone else wants one i can check.

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