
Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

This little violet is quite a weed ... but I still love it. They look so cheery early in the spring.

Thumbnail by poppysue
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Violets NEVER grow in the wrong place, so can't ever be classified as a weed, poppysue TIC, LOLOL :-)
Charming photo!

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

This looks like what I bought yesterday, and It smells so good.

Those are beautiful...I'll take weeds like that anytime - LOL

looks yummy i have a purple varity that comes up all over the place. the flowers are yummy and have a higher vitiman C content than oranges by weight

Chicago, IL

Very pretty.

I had to start moving mine out of the lawn because I kept mowing them up. I'm keeping them in a container until I get my rock garden started. Looks like you've got a natural one.

Beautiful Poppysue!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Those are so pretty! My wild ones are just the plain blue. Boo hoo, Poppysue even has nicer weeds than me! :)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Stop snivelling woman!! lol!!! Very, very pretty Sue!!

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