Spotty gaura leaves

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

The leaves of my gaura had spots on them last year, but I never bothered posting because the plants were otherwise very robust. They're coming up again this year like troopers, lots of babies around them, but still these spots. What is this, and what should I do?

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Ouch!! Looks like blackspot or could be purple spotting!! Blackspot is just that, black and round!! You might want to improve the soil drainage since you've had quite a bit of rain. You don't spray, do you?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Duh, I never considered blackspot. One of the reasons I'm phasing out roses is the maintenance they require to avoid all their maladies, including blackspot. Please, please, please don't tell me little miss gaura is prone to it as well. *sniffle*. I've not sprayed this year; usually I spray with a dormant oil, but this year I forgot all about it.

What do I do now? Ack! Ouch is right!

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