The GM food.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well the Government have given permission to Monsanto to grow the GM food in 25 areas of England and 3 in Wales, dont they realise that a lot of people do not want it,what do you think of GM foods, i do know its popular in the USA and they have the clout, but i dont want to be told what to eat etc.

most of it will be destroyed by protestors anyway, but who is doing the tests, forieners i bet.

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Don't worry, Sheila, we've got them on the run. Every test they do will only raise more questions, and what with the public outcry and the environmentalists and the supermarkets wanting to keep their customers happy, it'll work out just too expensive to test properly and they'll give it up and try another con somewhere else.

Actually, I'm convinced that this problem is worse even than we imagine and that protestors won't be able to stop the inexorable progress of the food combines and governments destroying our natural resources.
Do you know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to declare any soya from the USA as GM free now since nobody can guarantee that cross-contamination hasn't occurred ? Have you noticed how much ordinary food has soya somewhere in it's list of ingredients ? Most of the soya in the UK comes from the USA so it's fair to say that the majority of us are already eating GM food without realising it.


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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I haven't posted here yet simply because I'm overwhelmed by the enormity of this 'crisis' and it's been on my mind now for about two years, and not just lately. I'm not apathetic either, just feel so helpless!! We all try to do our bit, i.e. letters and protests, but where does it get us? This greedy of this world are trying to outdo the laws of nature - it's so sad!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

well Louisa-i think we have got them on the run here in the UK, the government have named the sites near to where i live, because we are a small country people can travel from one site to another to protest and a lot do wrck these sites. These sites are so called being tested to see what results pesticides have on them etc, are they crackers we know what pesticides do, a lot of damage, but what breaks my heart is what a lot of non-organic fertilizer does to the soil, it eventually kills it as worms etc just leave.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Like I said Sheila, I don't know how to handle it! I know what's happening, I can only imagine what the long term effects are going to be and I know it will be one bad world for our kids and those that follow.

Aliso Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

HATE it! Americans are not educated about the issue at all. They have no idea what is happening here. Monsanto needs to be blocked at every turn. I can't even begin to explain some of the terrible things they are engineering in their plants. I will not eat GM if I know it is such. But they don't even label whether it is or not in the supermarkets here.



Hi,I think I'm back !
In Canada jusr recently a farmer has been sued by Monsanto.His field of rape was next door to a GM field of rape.They said he had stolen their seed because he had harvested his own seed which might have been pollinated by their GM seed.The proportion was estimated at 5%,but he has to pay them 100% of the money he gets from that field.He's in his 70s and his bill for this is approx. $100,000.I wonder how the judge justified his ruling on this ? And we have all this yet to come !

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I only have one word for this and it's unprintable!

Ribbitcat (welcome back hope you've got yr 'puter sorted) where can I find that story pls ? That's the first I heard of it.


Now, over here we're doing that the other way around. Farmers who grow organic are able to sue the GM people for contaminating their crops. It's been shown bees can carry pollen over 3 miles, but the GM trial fields are much closer than that to ordinary crops.

Yus,jo -
it was the refresh button.
It was on the World Service.I bet they have a website.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

I read about it in the , poor man surprised, also what is worrying too the press in the USA is not printing anything about the USA leaving the KYOTO declaration about global warming, Bush says anything that affect the American peoples jobs etc is bad,so he has left us in Europe, Japan and Australia/nz to cut down on greenhouse gases, so do our American friends here agree to what he has done?


I'm so glad you posted about Kyoto. I was going to earlier, but thought US readers might be offended. I think maybe they don't have much freedom of information in the US for all their laws. People over there don't seem to know as much about the global environmental problems caused to a large extent by the US big corporations as we do over here.

Until they get more facts, they aren't likely to be making many objections.

I think the Friends of the Earth site may have up-to-date information. I'll go and check.

Just checked, yep. The headline is Burning Bush.

Bush is A Texan Republican,he was backed by big business,and you can't get bigger than Oil.Have a look at his record on environmental issues as Governor - he even set up a system that meant pollution issues came straight to his office where he sat on them.

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Hi,Patty -
Join Greenpeace.
Vote for a party who takes environmental issues seriously.
Or at least a candidate who does.

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Hey,Patty -
Every little counts,as the old lady said when she [deleted] in the ocean ! lol

Dutton, AL(Zone 7a)

Not everyone in the US thinks GM foods are good or that Bush has sense enough to pour water out of a boot.But money counts

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