Bridal veil

Lusby, MD(Zone 7a)

Was just at my local nursery and found a climber called Bridal Veil. It is supposed to stay green year round and has wonderful smelling white star shaped small flowers on it. Would love to have some by my front doour but at the $50.00 price tag they had at the nursery, I just had to pass it up. They were quite established and I am sure worth the money but....... Has anyone heard of it or know where I can buy it. I looked it up on the database but nothing came up. Thanks

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I think it could be the Confederate Jasmin. Check this out:-

Lusby, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Louisa but it was not Confederate Jasmine. They had that there too and I have some of it already. This had much bigger leaves and the flower is bigger as well. Guess I will keep looking

I think my MIL had one. She didn't have it as a climber tho;was more like a big bush and was very frangrant. They would cut it way down and the following year it was bigger and bushier. Can't remember if the flowers where star shaped or not but it sure did smell nice.

Okay,I just found a little information on this 'bridal veil'.


We've received quite a few requests for information on caring for the Stephanotis vine, but haven't found too much information that is available.

The Stephanotis has grown in popularity over the past few years along with some of the other spring flowering vines. It is known by a few different names such as the "Madagascar Jasmine" and the "Bridal Veil".

Stephanotis is an evergreen vine that can grow naturally to a height of 15 to 18 feet, although we find it growing more outward than upward. The leaves are thick and leathery.

It produces a fragrant white cluster of flowers, from spring to autumn, which are commonly used in bridal bouquets, hence the name "Bridal Veil Vine".

We usually find the Stephanotis grown as a potted trellised plant, although I have seen the plant grown as a basket. Stephanotis can have a tendency to grow all over the place. To produce a compact plant it is recommended that you prune and train around the supporting trellis or basket.

Stephanotis is produced from cutting and seed. The seedpod reaches the size of a medium to large pear and remains on the vine for over 6 months before it is ready to harvest the seeds. You will not see an abundance of seedpods on a vine. In fact, in over 20 years I have only seen 3 pods produced on a rather large vine.

The Bridal Veil enjoys a lot of light especially in the winter months when light levels are low. In the summer months provide much light as you can but it may be necessary to give some shade from the direct hot sun.

When the wonderfully scented flowers appear do not turn your plant around as the flowers have a tendency to drop off.

As with many tropicals use a well-drained soil if you are going to repot because these plants can be very sensitive to over watering. When the plants are in full growth (summer time) watering moderately and sparingly during the winter. You are more likely to harm your plant from over-watering it than under-watering.

The real beauty of this plant is the scented white flowers against the deep green leaves. It is very responsive to warm temperatures, good, fertile, well-drained soil, and requires a minimum of 55 degrees.

My thoughts were expressed a few weeks ago about fertilizing indoors; outdoors is altogether different. The flowering will be forcing the plant to use up a lot of food, so a good well balanced fertilizer will help in keeping the plant(s) healthy and flowering longer.

The Stephanotis has not been in the marketplace very long, and one question we get as winter approaches has to do with winterizing the Stephanotis. We would like to hear from anyone who has successfully over wintered his or her Stephanotis. This isn't just staying alive but bringing it back into flower the next year. I suspect that the Stephanotis vine will over-winter better than a mandevilla.

Visit ,,,,,
for a list of other tropicals and care information.

Lusby, MD(Zone 7a)

CoCo - You are just toooo great. That was definetly more than just "a little" information. Now if I can only find out where I can get one for less than $50.00, I already have a spot picked out for it!!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Try Logee's. They have small ones

Bridal veil
(Gibasis pellucida)
Contact: Diane Relf, Extension Specialist, Environmental Horticulture
August 1996

Dense mass of small, oval, dark green leaves with pointed tips, on thin trailing stems. The underside of the leaves have a reddish tint. Profusion of minute white blooms produce a veil like appearance.

Dark Green

Small planter (hanging basket).

Medium. East or west window, about one thousand footcandles.

Normal. Water thoroughly, let soil dry to touch to a soil depth of 1/2".

Medium - warm. 61 - 85 (degrees F) days, 56 - 75 nights.


Every 1 - 2 months

1 part sterilized garden loam, 1 part clean coarse sand or Perlite, and 1/2 to 1 part sphagnum peat moss.

Stem cuttings

Select sturdy, shapely, healthy plant free from insect and disease damage. New leaf growth is desirable. Avoid those with yellow or brown leaf margins, wilted or water soaked leaves.

Easy. Tolerates wide range of conditions. Good for beginners.

No Special Problems

Usually used in hanging baskets.

This material was developed by Carol Ness as part of the Interactive Design and Development Project funded by the Kellogg Foundation. Mary Miller, Project Director. Diane Relf, Content Specialist, Horticulture. Copyright 1989 by VCE.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

it isn't hardy, is it??? I thought it was very tropical.

Lusby, MD(Zone 7a)

No it isn't hardy but I have a great window in my bathroom that it should winter over well and can go outside during summer. Went to Logee's and they do have it for 8.25 for 2" pot. Several others have said HD has carried it in the past so may check there before I order from Logee's. Thanks everyone for all your help. This was my first posting but am sure now that it won't be my last.

Welcome to Dave's Garden Deputydogsmom. Glad to have you aboard. All here to help and serve and to try and answer any questions that you may have. Looking forward to seeing more things posted by you. Know you're going to like it here.

California, MD(Zone 7a)


I'm in California, MD. If you get a chance to be up that way, Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville (AACo) will possibly have anything you want. If not, they will do the best they can to get it for you. They're right on Rte. #214 a little bit East of Rte. #424, probably about 200' at the most.

My sister lives almost right beside them.


This message was edited Dec 29, 2004 3:22 PM

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