is there a safe cement for ponds

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Does anyone know of any type of cement that I can use to repair my waterfall with and make it leakproof, without having to empty my pond. As I understand it with normal cement it's lethal if it gets into the pond, and is likely to kill of all my fish and wildlife.
What I need is something that I can bed my rocks into so that each 'basin' becomes watertight, as when my waterfall is running it seeps under the rocks into the next drop instead of over the rocks, which rather ruins the effect I was after !
I know when I was watching an American programne they were using some type of caulk they called it, which I take to be similar to our masticy stuff,but what ever it is it has to be wildlife /fish friendly,
I hope someone out there will have the knowledge, or am I doomed to forever having a dribbling waterfall instead of my 'niagra falls' :-)

I personally don't know of a particular product, I'd have thought some kind of sealant like Aquarium sealant would be suitable if the rocks were quite small. Do you have a water garden centre nearby?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

thanks Baa, yes I do but when I asked they said about using cement, then sealent, flushing out pond, restocking, I haven't got the energy to do all that, and Hubby would moan like mad if I asked him to be wading around in a dirty pond all weekend !!:-)I was hoping for a quick fix, perhaps there isn't one, I'll keep trying anyway.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

How large are the leaks you have to fix sueone?
I should think Baa's suggestion of just aquarium sealant would work if they're not too huge.

Hello Sueone,

I recall from many years ago being part of a team building a tropical house pool. This was made completely in waterproofed concrete and when dry was given more than one coat of a clear liquid that I can only remember as 'Petrifying fluid' This cured and sealed the concrete.

Ask at your bulders merchants and say what you are wanting to do and ask if they recognise the term 'Petrifying fluid' in the context of concreting.


Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

thanks philomel and peter, it seems to be not so much a problem with the cement as the detremental effect it has if it leaches into my pond with the fish, as i understand it.I'd hate to lose them now.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, that's why i was wondering if the sealant alone would be easier to cope with - if you can isolate the parts that need mending just until it sets. You won't have the problem of cement runoff into the pond then

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