Sunday April 1 part 2

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

It was getting a little long so I thought maybe we needed part 2...hope ya'll don't mind. Lisa

good idea, whats crawfish taste like ?.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Boy that is a hard one....they are very different. We boil them outside on an open butane burner in a big tub. We use little seasoning bags full of spices. We add lots of potatoes, corn, garlic, celery and onions. Bring that to a boil and throw in the crawfish. They cook for 5 minutes and soak for 15 minutes, then we eat em. They just have a taste all of it own. It really is a big thing down here. Lisa

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does it taste like a fish, or sea foodish ?.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Uhmm...Doesn't taste like fish at all. Really not seafood either. It is just good! I know, not much help...Wish I could describe it better. Lisa

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Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Patty, if you ever had them cooked the right way you would be hooked! Oh, I did read you wanted some Lady Banks. I will be in touch with you. Lisa

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yes, sounds like the only way i will find out is too eat some too, i will have too look out for some, i need a coffree to now, back in a minute.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

The meat is white. We do make a dip to use. How to eat it?? Well, first you break the tail end off and peel it and eat it. The head part has lots of juice and seasonings in it. Then you slurp the juice out of the head. Gross huh...but trust me..yum. Alan, wish I could send you some.. Lisa

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

You know what folks?? We just have to much fun on this forum don't we! :-)

Powhatan, VA(Zone 6b)

OK I am here,

after getting disconnected and putting the cat outside. I found a opossum eating catfood on my porch.

Life in the country.... :)

Lisa, i eat cockles,i like them and yes we do have a lot of fun in here, good company thats why., hi puttyrat, welcome in.

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Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

So what are cockles Alan? Hi Puttyrat! LOL about the possum. I have a couple of real fat ones here that help themselves to Meow Mix too! Lisa

I live in the country, its all open arrable farm land here, but the only wild life is the odd hedgehog and foxes, nothing like what you have there.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hedgehogs awwww! Those little guys are so cute. They are making their way here via pet stores. The folks are buying them for pets. Lisa

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Sally!! Yes to Louisa County! Wow Patty, all that cheese! Love it!

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Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Colorful family....boy I'd say...more colorful than a box of crayons....Lisa

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Hedgehogs are so cute. On the other side of our hedge there was a small church and graveyard and an enormous pile of prunings, wood shavings etc that was to be used for Guy Fawkes Night. Well the little things would go there to hibernate of course, and the local church warden would rake the whole pile flat and move it on the night of the bonfire so that the little creatures would not be burned. I thought that was lovely!! They would come into our garden looking for food, so I would leave water and wet bread for them.

you get them as pets there, theres a family of them around here, now the weathers warmed up they will be in the garden, i often see one, i saw one late last october, only a baby, i was walking down the path in front of me, my family is to disfunctional to be colourful,

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I could write a book about our family. I have three brothers and three sisters!! Great fun though!

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Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

I've come over real tired, so I guess I will call it a day and wish you all a very goodnight :-)

Powhatan, VA(Zone 6b)

Folks I am having a difficult time staying connected. I am using a free service and well you get what you "pay" for.

I love living in the country. I wish I had more land. I only have a small 1/4th acre wooded lot, but it is mine.

The cats love it here. I am not on a busy road they can go outside when they want.

Has anyone asked Dave if he can make a chat room? It seems that is what this has become.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Cute stories about the hedgehogs. I am glad that folks are nice to them. They just really are cute! Alan, LOL! Mine is colorfully disfunctional. Lisa

Well, its been a very long day for me, i am going to bed early tonight, its 2.35 am here, i thank you for another very pleasent night, good night ladies, see you all tomorrow.


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Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Ya'll as always, the company is so nice here. But I really must check out. I smell pretty bad :-). I hope ya'll all have a nice evening...Alan, try to get some sleep! I may bounce back in here later. Ya'll are the best..Lisa

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Powhatan, VA(Zone 6b)

Well it has been a while but chatroom don't have to be negative. It depends on the people in them of course. I always went to a chatroom labeled for 50's (age group). Though I am not that old yet :). It is what you make it I guess.


Hello All
Its another wonderful morning, bright sunny and warm, its still early over there, but no brits in this morning ?.

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